Inference of the worldwide invasion routes of the pinewood ...
The aim of the present study was to decipher the invasion history of the pinewood nematode (PWN),. Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner & Buhrer, ... Télécharger
Role of human-mediated dispersal in the spread of the pinewood ...Abstract. Background: Intensification of world trade is responsible for an increase in the number of alien species introductions. ?????? ??????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????. ??: ?????? ???????By ?????????. ?paper ????????????????????????????????????. ?????????????????????????????????? ???????1?(?90?) - ??????????????????1966 ??????????????????????. ?????????????THCI ???????????????????. ??????????????????????Google ?????????. ????????????????????????????. ????????? Living the Opposite Sex - Trans Journeys in Southern SpainChristoph Imhof works as a research associate and lecturer at the School of Social. Work at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern a study of female-bodied transgender-identified individuals. - CORERaymond raised important existential questions about free choice; for example, in a patriarchal society, can transsexuals really freely choose sexual Histories of the Transgender ChildThe truth is, we don't know trans children because we have inherited, reinforced, and perpetu- ated a cultural system of gender and childhood in which they are Gender identity and sexual orientation in ThailandDiscrimination and violence against people of diverse sexual orientation and gender identity is a serious problem around the world. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and identity construction of trans women in turkeyThis MA thesis focuses on the lives of trans-identified individuals in Turkey based on a small-scale group of predominantly Istanbulite trans women in terms TRANSGENDER HEALTH - Trans ReadsEven if we accept that almost all trans men have XX sex chromosomes and trans women have XY chromosomes, maleness or femaleness does not depend upon this The Transgender Studies Reader - Trans Reads Transgender Studies 1. Susan Stryker. I. Sex, Gender, and Science 19. 1. selections from Psychopathia Sexualis with Special Reference to Contrary Sexual