Examens corriges

U l'iljpf^ ^ |M - RERO DOC

selti (Personeni) 0-3. 38e Zbinden 0-. 4. 46e Membrez (Gerber) 1-4. 58e. C. Houlmann (à 3 contre 3) 2-4. 59e. Membrez (Faivet, à 4 contre 3) 3 ...


La prévention et le sexting : un état des lieux - Serval
Le développement social et relationnel des adolescent-e-s et des jeunes adultes s'effectue aujourd'hui avec celui d'Internet et des nouvelles technologies.
Pron vs Prompt: Can Large Language Models already Challenge a ...
In this work, we make the first attempt (known to us) to conduct a formal contest of autonomous creative writing between two top writers: GPT-4.
twentyforty ? Utopias for a Digital Society
You have to know, dear reader, that as a researcher, you follow two rules: RULE 1: DON'T TALK ABOUT THE FUTURE. Uncertainty is an important 
OC 1: Vascular biology - Thieme Connect
The test consists of a change of colour upon reaction of Factor Xa or Conclusion: Our laboratory was implementing the haematocrit correction of 2 out of 11 
DGHM VAAM 2020, Cover Abstacts #78457, A4, 4c, vom 26.2.20.indd
The study objective was to reveal effects of high CO2 versus in situ CO2 seawater on the community composition of therein living marine microbial eukaryotes 
Conceptualizing Power in Dynamics of Securitization
Kreide, Regina / Langenohl, Andreas. Conceptualizing Power in Dynamics of Securitization: Beyond State and International System. Regina Kreide / Andreas 
An introduction to problem solving, nobility of purpose under ...
Popper's problem solving technique is outlined in six steps, including an introductory treatment of his solution to Hume's Problem of Induction.
Fostering creativity and innovation in teams: Findings on climate ...
Bart de Jong who introduced me to numerous way of improving the meticulous process of conducting a high quality meta-analysis. Thanks to Prof. M. Audrey 
open for discussion and further analysis whether the two test types are equally powerful markers of immunoncological way for both reaction patterns and allow 
Physics of Nonideal Plasmas 17 - Dresden - HZDR
Suryanarayana, Journal of Chemical Physics 153, 034112 (2020). Fermionic propagator path integral Monte Carlo simulations: Equation-of-state of hydrogen plasma 
University of Groningen CG-Art. Una discusión estética sobre la ...
[It remains to be seen whether I'm wrong like everybody who expresses outrage (as proved by the triviality of their discourse), or if instead my outrage rests 
Icons & oracles across the confluence - BU Personal Websites
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