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Eleventh General Assembly PROCEEDINGS
The Eleventh General Assembly met in Banff, Alberta, Canada, at the Banff Centre at the invitation of the Government of Canada, a State Member of the Union, 
World Bank Document
5. ANALYSE DES IMPACTS ET MESURES D'ATTENUATION. 5.1. Impacts positifs. 5.2. Classifications et presentation des impacts negatifs.
14. Queried about representation of the forestry workforce, Mr. Hudson pointed out that fledgling organizations of contractors were faced 
GFCM - Report of the thirty-fifth session. FAO Headquarters, Rome ...
FAO General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. Report of the thirty-fifth session. FAO Headquarters, Rome, 9-14 May 2011. GFCM Report.
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: China
OECD Publishing disseminates widely the results of the Organisation's statistics gathering and research on economic, social and environmental issues, as well as 
Article 14 of the Statute. The text of the implementing provisions, in all official languages, is published on the. Ombudsman's website (http 
Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made
AUTHOR. Vignola, Marie-Josee. TITLE. Les prises de decision lors du processus d'ecriture en langue maternelle et en langue seconde chez les.
Social impacts of the Forest Stewardship Council certification
This document presents research funded by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the Center for International Forestry Research.
TURKISH CYPRIOT community - World Bank Documents and Reports
EU Member States did not accept any transfer of convicts to Turkey and neither did Turkey. Turkey still does not cooperate with all EU 
Cyprus - UNFCCC
It is evident, therefore, once again that the role of Turkey in the arms race against Greece and Cyprus is to dictate the intensity of this 
European Commission - European Union
A house belongs not to an individual, but to persons in their capacity as members of either the Greek-Cypriot or Turkish-Cypriot constitutional 
An Answer in the Context of the Greek ? Turkish Arms Race.
Since 1974 the southern part of Cyprus has been under the control of the government of the Republic of Cyprus. The northern part of Cyprus, administered.