A3-Licence-Electronique.pdfMTH tc 5 : Mathématiques adaptées II Probabilités Statistique ... variables aléatoires discrètes, exercices corrigés de simulation de loi sous MATLAB, ... L.M.D. LICENCE ACADEMIQUEexam. 1. 66831. Advanced Electronic Devices and Circuits. 3 3 4. 60. 90. 25. 25. 200. 2 ... 1.1 Describe the structure and operation of UJT. 1.2 Identify the ... 1.5 Explain the operation of SCR using two-transistor Equivalent circuit. 2.6 Derive the ... L.M.D. LICENCE ACADEMIQUEexam. 1. 66831. Advanced Electronic Devices and Circuits. 3 3 4. 60. 90. 25. 25. 200. 2 ... 1.1 Describe the structure and operation of UJT. 1.2 Identify the ... 1.5 Explain the operation of SCR using two-transistor Equivalent circuit. 2.6 Derive the ...