Using Object-Oriented Design Metrics to Predict Software DefectsMany object-oriented design metrics have been developed [1,3,8,17,24] to help
in predict software defects or evaluate design quality. Since a defect prediction ...
Plan de coursLa premi`ere partie a pour sujet la maintenance des pro- grammes, la ...
compréhension de la mati`ere par un examen final pour 20%. Il est possible que
... oriented design patterns and programming languages. Technical Report ....
scale systems. Proceedings of the Object-Oriented Product Metrics for Software
Quality As-.
Thèse - LNEwork consisted in developing an objective metric dedicated to the assessment ...
Design of experiments, subjective evaluation, image quality, visual perception,.
OO Metricsobject-oriented design metrics of common use as a means of assessing of quality
characteristics of objects-oriented systems. The set of metrics described are ...
Rapport DSR n°157 - Examen de la méthode d'analyse coût ... - IAEAproposition, cette nouvelle approche n'a pu ni être instruite par l'IRSN ni utilisée
..... sûreté et celles ayant pour objet de corriger des écarts de conformité aux ...
typical questions & answers - IETE elan(B) Object Oriented Design. (C) Object Oriented Analysis & Design. (D) None of
the ..... Ans: A. Q.70. The goal of quality assurance is to provide management with
the data needed to ...... 2), where K is software development cost and td is peak.
descriptions et bibliographies des examens en genie logiciel14-LO-A5 Assurance-qualité logicielle ... 14-LO-A5 Software Quality Assurance
.... and Patterns -- An introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and ....
Sécurité informatique et réseaux: Cours avec plus de 100 exercices corrigés, ...
Object Oriented Metrics Which Predict - Virginia Tech1 Feb 1993 ... assessing the software development process as well as the quality of ... on
several object oriented software metrics and the validation of these .... Chidamber
and Kemerer propose six object oriented design metrics [11].
Université de Montréal - Thèse numérique - Google Sitesdans le cadre de l'examen predoc oral partie 3 en vue de l'obtention du grade de
... fonctionnalités, corriger des bugs, ou modifier le code pour améliorer sa
qualité ... corrélation entre la correction des défauts de conception et l'
introduction de ...... Recently, another probabilistic approach has been proposed
by Khomh et al.