Untitled Commodity exchanges. 2. Commercial products. 3. Risk. I. Title. HG6046. ... a solution, they will test it using indicative and historical market data.
Commodity Option Pricing - Virtual Campus Sign In HG6046.Z37 2014. 332.63!28?dc23. 2014039897. A catalogue record of the book is available from ... 6.3 Mean-variance spanning test with passive investment.
Untitled HG6046.C5736 2014. 332.63?28?dc23. 2013051276. A catalogue record for this book is ... from EMLYON for giving me the opportunity to road-test the material.
The Financialization of Commodity Markets HG6046.U66 2006. 332.64?dc22. 2005023676. Printed in the United States of America. ... In addition, experienced COT traders may want to exam-.