Studiegids Geografie, Planologie en Milieu Faculteit ... - Studiegidsen (accessed 1 June. 2012).
Davies ..... Teaching and Learning of the University Utrecht in the academic year.
2010-2011 we started a pilot period of three years, in which we would de- sign
and ...... preparation for their BA and MA theses; it introduces them to potential
research ...
Course Catalogue 2013/2014 - UvA Studenten - University of ...3 sept 2014 ... opleidingen binnen de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen inzien via ..... onderwijs,
deelname aan onderwijs, tentamens, fraude, examens en ...... Academie is met
ingang van het studiejaar 2010-2011 gestart met ... Ba 1. Periode. Blok 1.
Tentamenvorm. Opdracht en tentamen. Taal ..... Utrecht: Het Spectrum.
Master's courses - Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamA robust speech disorders correction system for Arabic language .... Ontology of
Cloud Computing,? Grid Computing Environments Workshop, pp.1-10, ..... Zhang,
H., A. Wahle, R.K. Johnson, T.D. Scholz and M. Sonka, 2010a. .... [22] P. Kristin
Bennett, ?Decision tree construction via linear programming,? In .... 285-317,1985.
studiegids Ba PEDAGOGISCHE WETENSCHAPPEN 0910VU University Amsterdam - Student- & Onderwijszaken - Exchange programme
...... Please note: this course does not take place in 2010 - 2011; only ..... students
with no VU bachelor the admission to the Master BA / ..... and Pedro P. Barros (
PDF-provided by the VU) ...... Locatie: Universiteit Utrecht en Universiteit Twente.