aestimatio - IRCPSaestimatio - IRCPS
27 Feb 2013 ... tario di Sinesio, edizione critica del testo greco, tradu- ..... philosophy, it requires
knowledge in the art of talismans, magic, and alchemy. ..... Ottoman Turkish of the
Venetian Republic?the well known Michele Mambre ...... Mertens-Pack3. ......
conquest of Byzantine Egypt, or ethnically unspecified craftsmen,.

Ninety-Third Critical Bibliography of the History of Science and ... - jstorNinety-Third Critical Bibliography of the History of Science and ... - jstor
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies ... Journal of Egyptian Archaeology (J.
EgyptianArchaeol.) ...... prospettiva storiografica sul pensiero greco. ...... Robert
Mertens: Die herpetologische Sektion. 5. ...... With special emphasis on the
thought of Michel Foucault ...... tradition of alchemy in different countries, with

Book of Abstracts - Conferences.huBook of Abstracts - Conferences.hu
Dana Drake, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Edmond ......
Resume!' de tcsis doctoral, 95. Granada: Universidad ...... La Manilla de Math.?
por Miguel de. Cervantes ...... Epistolari catala del Renaixement. Resumen ......
Importanza didattica nell'Examen de ingenios di ...... Gorce, Mathieu-Maxime. Le:
Bases ...