This Difficult Individual, Ezra Pound (1961) - National Vanguard4 janv. 2013 ... De fait, un examen de la bibliographie de cet .... poétique de Basil Bunting, T. S.
Eliot, Ezra Pound et W. B. Yeats les ...... 165 Rebecca Beasley, Theorists of
Modern Poetry : T. S. Eliot, T. E. Hulme and Ezra Pound (Londres : ...... La date du
journal, corrigée à 1937 dans les Ezra Pound Papers (YCAL MSS ...
Summary - Columbia UniversityIn 1949, I was introduced to the poet Ezra Pound, who was at that time .....
Pound's visitors, such as T. S. Eliot, who had been horrified by the medieval ...
figure in modern letters, and I hardly felt prepared to meet him. ...... T. E. Hulme's
evenings in his rooms at 67 Frith Street attracted ...... Hulme wrote to illustrate his
Redbook-1904 (30GA) - Iowa LegislatureAmong the contemporary poets there are files for W. H. Auden; Allen Ginsberg; ...
Modern Library Publications correspondence, 1930; Modern Library, Jess .....
Cronyn, Hume ... Eisenhower, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Mamie Doud. Eliot, T.S..
Ellin, Stanley ..... Pound, Ezra ...... Veblen, Thorstein: The Theory of the Leisure
Redbook-1905 (30GA) - Iowa LegislatureAbrams, Meyer H., ed., English Romantic Poets: Modern essays in cr ..... Ardenne
, Simonne T. R. O. d', ed., IDe Liflade ant te Passiun of Seinte Iuliene .... Barclay,
Alexander, The Life of St George, ed. by William Nelson (T. S. ...... M. Hulme) . ......
Nagy, Niclas Christoph de, The Poetry of Ezra Pound: The pre-imagist stage.
the peterite - St Peter's YorkA display of books for teaching poetry will be presented as part of the ..... Kenneth
Mildenberger, Modern Language Association ... A Te Deum for J. Alfred Prufrock
(CBS-TV) ...... "T. S. Eliot," Hugh Kenner, University of California, Santa Barbara (
30 minutes) ...... :-i:;::::::::-:::I:? ..... jowl with a Canto by Ezra Pound, a short play by.
Bibliographie : Autor D'Altan, Paolo = Altan, Paolo d' - Asien-Orient ...38:-J3l. Transactions of the executive council for the year 1903. 383-491. Minutes
of ... Assessment of railway, sleeping car, telephone, and telegraph companies.