NLP - Revista UrologiaNLP - Revista Urologia
D deficiency may play a role in triggering high bone turnover through an ......
examen clinic, PSA total øi liber, tuøeu rectal, ecografie øi biopsie transrectalæ.

ICSECS8 : : Book of AbstrctsICSECS8 : : Book of Abstrcts
Apr 30, 2013 ... Florina Ciolan, Aurora Reiss, Liana-Simona Sbîrn?, Irina .... Ioana Raluca
Bunghez, Rodica Mariana Ion, Radu Claudiu .... Tm(III)-doped ?-Bi2O3 for solid
oxide fuel cells ...... dominant role in the bile acid oxidation in the presence of
Oxone. ...... [2] C. V. González López, M. C. Cerón García, F. G. Acién ...

PDF (4 MB) - Jurnalul de ChirurgiePDF (4 MB) - Jurnalul de Chirurgie
24 Mai 2011 ... Radu Moldovanu .... Adina Croitoru (1), Florina P?tra?cu (1), Iulia Gramaticu (2),
...... Prognostic role of a multigene reverse transcriptase- ...... Medical Care of
Cancer Patients, Shelton (USA), People's Medical Publishing House-BC ..... (CV)
pacien?ilor stomiza?i pentru neoplasm de colon, deoarece o ...

Opportunities and Risks in the Contemporary ... - ResearchGateOpportunities and Risks in the Contemporary ... - ResearchGate
Mar 21, 2015 ... The role of classroom management in conditions of lower secondary level of
education ... Sergiu Octavian Stan, Alexandru Radu Duicu. Associated ...
Alexandra Zbuchea, Florina Pînzaru, Cristian Vidu ...... mutation. Examen de la
PEV. ...... Strategica 2016 http://ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/. ---.

Revista Român? de medicin? de LaboRatoR - rrml.roRevista Român? de medicin? de LaboRatoR - rrml.ro
21 Mai 2016 ... Senior researcher Anca Cristea ... cristina elena neaGoe1, nicoleta mihaela
stan1 ..... ileana R?dUcanU1, bogdan moRo?anU1, elisabeta .... alexandra
totan1, Maria MOhORA2, daniela miRicescU1, Radu RadULescU1, ...... We
assessed the degree of inappropriateness through visual inspection of.

21 Mai 2016 ... www.rrml.ro, www.almr.ro, www.raml-conference.ro .... china; distinguished
Professor, University of texas medical branch, texas, Usa. ..... alexandra totan1,
Maria MOhORA2, daniela miRicescU1, Radu ...... mUI/ml) a impus chiuretaj
uterin cu examen histopatologic (mol? ...... SCURTU-DEAC, Florina 88.

volume with all papers - Universitatea"Petru Maior"volume with all papers - Universitatea"Petru Maior"
10 feb. 1973 ... T.M.;. WHITMORE,. A.P.;. POWLSON, D.S.. Farming, fertilizers and the nitrate
problem .... GEORGIA, Radu ...... australien und den usa mit dem serum - ....
BEKELE, Melaku Forest property rights the role of the state and ...... BRAN,
Florina ...... examens immediats ...... Cum sa scriem un CV de succes.