Structural analyses of the MazEF4 toxin-antitoxin pair in ...Structural analyses of the MazEF4 toxin-antitoxin pair in ...
Oct 2, 2017 ... The crystal structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis MazEF4. 1 ...... Boelens, R.,
Diaz-Orejas, R., and Rafferty, J. B. (2002) Structural and functional analysis of ....
Pettersen, E. F., Goddard, T. D., Huang, C. C., Couch, G. S., ...

Global Analysis of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Zur - Journal of ...Global Analysis of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Zur - Journal of ...
Aug 1, 2006 ... generated a zur mutant in M. tuberculosis, examined its phenotype, and
characterized the Zur regulon by DNA microarray ... transcription of its structural
gene is induced upon oxidative ...... dismutase in Escherichia coli: functional
analysis of the sodB promoter. J. .... Schneider, T. D., and R. M. Stephens.

Global analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Zur (FurB) regulonGlobal analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Zur (FurB) regulon
Nov 10, 2006 ... M. tuberculosis, examined its phenotype and characterized the Zur regulon by
using ... numerous enzymes and DNA-binding proteins and serves as a structural
scaffold for several. 20 ...... Functional analysis performed on the ESAT-6 like
cluster 1 of M. tuberculosis ..... Schneider, T. D., and R. M. Stephens.

Optimizing multiplex SNP-based data analysis for ... - ResearchGateOptimizing multiplex SNP-based data analysis for ... - ResearchGate
Jul 7, 2014 ... Keywords: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, MLPA, Data analysis, SNP typing,
MAGPIX, Drug .... clonal population structure such as MTB and subsequent ......
JC, Kremer K, Petrov DA, Feldman MW, Gagneux S: High functional ... Pham TD,
Tran Vu TN, Tran TC, Loden M, Tuin K, Campbell JI, Van Minh HN,.

Distribution, Characterization of Mycobacterial ... - InTechOpenDistribution, Characterization of Mycobacterial ... - InTechOpen
third of the world's population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and ...
We hope that this review will promote better understanding of the structure-
function .... The procedure for structural analysis of OSE is summarized in ...... [71]
Rousseau C, Turner OC, Rush E, Bordat Y, Sirakova TD, Kolattukudy PE, Ritter S

Profiling the proteome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis during ...Profiling the proteome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis during ...
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) owes its success as a pathogen in large
measure to its ability to exist in a .... transcriptome analysis revealed a
considerable overlap in the bacterial .... and 'intermediary metabolism and
respiration' functional categories. ...... structure and function of heavy metal
transport P1B-ATPases.

Profiling the Proteome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis during ...Profiling the Proteome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis during ...
May 29, 2015 ... bacteria using label-free one-dimensional LC-MS-MS analysis. ... infected with
the etiologic agent Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) (1). ...... Deb, C., Lee, C. M.
, Dubey, V. S., Daniel, J., Abomoelak, B., Sirakova, T. D., Pawar, S., .... A. K. (2009
) Structure and function of a novel type of ATP-dependent Clp ...

Transcriptional Adaptation of Drug-tolerant Mycobacterium ...Transcriptional Adaptation of Drug-tolerant Mycobacterium ...
the M. tuberculosis proteome were identified, and many of them were .....
normalization? function of PLGS, and label-free quantitative analysis was
performed by ...