survey of the literature on recent shells from the ... - Man and MolluscSep 24, 2011 ... Tunisia. Mediterranean Marine Science, 12(1): 53-73. Antonius, A. & B. Riegl,
1997. A possible link between coral diseases and a corallivorous snail (Drupella
cornus) outbreak in the Red Sea. Atoll Research Bulletin, no. 447, 1-9. Antonius,
A. & B. Riegl, 1998. Coral diseases and Drupella cornus invasion ...
Systématique et Ecologie des Crustacés Décapodes et ...11 juil. 2006 ... lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions
in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ...
Version du mémoire corrigée suivant les recommandations ... de Biologie Marine
du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle et du Collège de France,.
Fisheries Centre Research Reports - Sea Around UsFisheries Centre. Research Reports. 2011 Volume 19 Number 4. FISHERIES
of ... Reconstruction of marine fisheries catches for Mauritius and its outer islands,
1950-2008 . ...... A thriving trade in marine curios, predominantly molluscs, is also
Fisheries Centre Research Reports - Open Collections - The ...ABSTRACT. Catch statistics from around the (uninhabited) Kerguelen Islands,
which are part of the French Antarctic and sub-Antarctic Territories, and where
distant-water fisheries began in 1970, were obtained from the. CCAMLR (
Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources)
Statistical Bulletin.
DOCUMENT RESUME HE 001 209 Smithsonian Tnstitution ...member of the professional researchstaff of the Institution. A limited number of
stipends of $9,500 per annum, supplemented by allowances for research
expenses, dependents, and ..... University Forum (1963); "The Flow of Ideas
Between Africa and America," Bulletin of the ...... Nat. Hist. (1964); "Marine
Amphipoda of Atolls.
of Radionuclides Released from Nuclear Industries Vol. IIRING Alliance of Policy Research Organizations, Royaume-. Uni ...... d'examen.
La série de rapports GEO. Les rapports GEO sont produits à l'aide d'une
démarche régionale, selon le principe de participation. Un large ensemble de .....
forêts n'a guère changé ; mais les eaux douces et certaines zones marines et
national paizk - University of Hawaii at ManoaSummary of experiments. IAEA-SM-237/5. 5. No. Chemical form . _ . ... I.L.D..
Source or method of characteristics. , ? n j j. ? a kBq Pu aerosol production ......
United States Energy Research and Development Administration (now ...... des
examens médicaux d'embauche et périodiques, ainsi qu'un relevé dosimétrique.