Bureau de l'évaluation - Food and Agriculture Organization of the ...Bureau de l'évaluation - Food and Agriculture Organization of the ...
MARNDR. Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Ressources Naturelles et du
Développement. Rural d'Haïti. MICT. Direction des Collectivités Territoriales.
MPCE. Ministère de la ... Office of Coordinator of humanitarian assistance. OED
...... (e.g. examen tripartite) ou déficients (e.g. rapports d'avancement), ils n'ont
pas su corriger.

ISCRAM 2017 Conference Proceedings - ISCRAM Digital LibraryISCRAM 2017 Conference Proceedings - ISCRAM Digital Library
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis
Response and Management ..... disciplines allow humanitarian practitioners to
do more with less in these resource-scarce times? ...... designing leakage
detection and localization techniques (Murvay and Silea, 2012; Liu et al., 2015;
Zhang et al.,.

The State of the World's Children: Children in an ... - UNICEF FranceThe State of the World's Children: Children in an ... - UNICEF France
L'édition 2012 du rapport La Situation des enfants dans le monde montre
clairement qu'il faut également agir d'urgence ...... Haïti. Quintile le plus riche.
Quintile le plus pauvre. Source : estimations et EDS de l'OMS (2005-2007). Les
pays ont été sélectionnés en fonction de la ...... dans la perspective de l'examen
crucial de.

Revealing Risk, Redefining Development - PreventionWebRevealing Risk, Redefining Development - PreventionWeb
Randolph Kent, Directeur, Humanitarian Futures Programme, King's College,
Londres, Royaume-Uni. Allan Lavell .... que les cyclones tropicaux et les
inondations. Cette modélisation identifie les ...... événement extrême, libérant
cinq cents fois plus d'énergie que le séisme ayant secoué Haïti le mois précédent
. Or, il n'a tué ...

Émergence et usages du concept de résilience dans ... - sophie roggÉmergence et usages du concept de résilience dans ... - sophie rogg
18 déc. 2015 ... on the use of the concept of resilience by the main international aid institutions
and ...... rulnik, 2012, p. 44). Par ailleurs, sa conception des situations
traumatiques est large et s'inscrit dans une multiplicité de contextes et d'histoires
di ...... La survenue du cyclone Bhola a entraîné la création, en décembre.

Consultation_Contributions for PDF - UN-NGLSConsultation_Contributions for PDF - UN-NGLS
achieve the goals (such as trade, better aid and technology transfers were dealt
with as a separate goal (Goal 8), which was the only one lacking a date and with
no ...... governing body, General Convention, reaffirmed by Resolution that the
MDGs will remain an ongoing mission priority for its next triennium, 2012-. 2015.

Notes from afternoon session - IUCNNotes from afternoon session - IUCN
Congress;. In addition, the World Conservation Congress, at its 4th Session in
Barcelona, Spain,. 5?14 October 2008, provides the following guidance in the
implementation of the. Programme 2009?2012: 3. REQUESTS the Director
General, with the assistance of IUCN's Commissions, to formulate standards and
guidelines ...

Abstracts of Scientific Papers - 19th World Congress on Disaster and ...Abstracts of Scientific Papers - 19th World Congress on Disaster and ...
Apr 3, 2015 ... rates of witnessed cases are 12.1% in 2012 and ystander CPR rates ...... Haiti).
Study/Objective: This study aimed to characterize the burden of traumatic injuries
among emergency department patients in the North East Region of Haiti. ......
Background: Humanitarian aid missions to disaster areas are.

Sexual Exploitation. A growing menace - Fondation ScellesSexual Exploitation. A growing menace - Fondation Scelles
Sep 30, 2013 ... report never cease to evolve, "2012 Legal Responses" for example, takes stock
of the judicial ...... The traffickers move victims from one territory to another,
depending on the season and the types of demands ...... Franciscans
International, Conseil des droits de l'homme, Examen périodique universel, April-