Flash Sharing in a Time-Interleaved Pipeline ... - Semantic ScholarFlash Sharing in a Time-Interleaved Pipeline ... - Semantic Scholar
With the advent of parallel processing, primarily the time-interleaved pipeline
ADCs, ... the architecture. This thesis discusses one such block, the sub-ADC (
Flash ADC), of the pipeline and sharing it with more than two of the parallel
processing ..... The linearity and resolution are dependent on resistor matching
and the.

Bit-Sequential Arithmetic for Parallel Processors - Distributed SystemsBit-Sequential Arithmetic for Parallel Processors - Distributed Systems
Jan 1, 1984 ... Pipelining gives no advantage for the first operation, since the total pro- cessing
time is equal to the sum of the processing times of the segments, but each ... in
order to achieve a speed comparable to that of'a pipelined architecture. A parallel
pro- cessor consisting of a large number of processing elements.

Conception et validation d'un processeur programmable de ... - HalConception et validation d'un processeur programmable de ... - Hal
16 août 2010 ... archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- ..... 4.2.2 Performance, surface et
consommation du gestionnaire de voisinages . . . . . . . . . 84.

10-Bit Two-Analog Input 8 MSPS Simultaneous ... - Texas Instruments10-Bit Two-Analog Input 8 MSPS Simultaneous ... - Texas Instruments
D Parallel µC/DSP Interface ..... td(DATA_AV). Delay time, DATA_AV becomes
active for the trigger level condition: TRIG0 = 1, TRIG1 = 1. One analog input, TL
= 8. 7×t2 +6.5×tc+15 ns trigger level ..... The THS10082 uses a 10-bit pipelined
multistaged architecture with four 1-bit stages followed by four 2-bit stages, which

Vision-Based Road Detection in Automotive Systems: A Real-Time ...Vision-Based Road Detection in Automotive Systems: A Real-Time ...
This paper presents performance results for the design and implementation of
paral- lel pipelined Space-Time Adaptive Processing. (STAP) algorithms on
parallel computers. In particular, the paper describes the issues in- volved in
parallelization, our approach to par- allelization and performance results on an In

Single or Dual Parallel Bus Output - TISingle or Dual Parallel Bus Output - TI
necessary to consider data structures, processing techniques, and computer
architectures capable of reducing ... and digitization of images, which pipelines
data to an on-board massively parallel computer for processing. .... erations. This
paper investigates a novel approach to real-time road following based on the use

50 Years of Time Parallel Time Integration50 Years of Time Parallel Time Integration
Thanks to an innovative single-pipeline architecture implemented in a CMOS
process and the 3.3 V supply, the device consumes very ..... td(O). Output delay
time (see timing diagram). CL = 10 pF. 9 ns th(O). Output hold time from COUT or
COUT to data invalid. 2 ns td( i ) Pipeline delay (latency). I data. 5.5. 5.5. 5.5. CLK

THS1007 - Texas InstrumentsTHS1007 - Texas Instruments
Abstract Time parallel time integration methods have received renewed interest
over the last decade ... time dependent partial differential equations, the time
direction is usually not used for parallelization. ..... integration of a system of
ordinary differential equations in a step-by-step process is inher- ently sequential.

Processor Pipelines and Static Worst-Case Execution Time AnalysisProcessor Pipelines and Static Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis
Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters.
Please be aware ..... The THS1007 uses a 10-bit pipelined multistaged
architecture, which achieves a high sample rate with low ... The maximum
possible conversion rate per channel is dependent on the selected analog input
channels. Table 1 ...