Genome-wide association and functional studies identify a role for ...tary text S1 and table S1. to cite: den Hollander W,. Boer CG, Hart dJ, ..... knee,
we used the GWAS summary data of the treat OA consor- tium27 and the recently
... Figure 2 Locus zoom plot for rs4764133, 150 kb upstream and downstream of
rs4764133 has been taken as plotted region (A). Zoom in on MGP and three
SNPs ...
Short-term sensory and cutaneous vascular responses to ...Background. Therapeutic ultrasound (US) is used for a variety of clinical
pathologies and is thought to accelerate tissue repair and help with pain
reduction via its thermal and nonthermal effects. The evidence on physiological
effects of US on both sensory and vascular functions in humans is incomplete.
Hence, the purpose ...
Ten-year Experience in Autogenous Reconstruction with the ...Objective: to study the short and long term effectiveness of in situ replacement of
infected aortic grafts with the lower extremity deep veins. Methods: forty-nine
patients operated on for infrarenal aortic graft infection since 1990 were studied.
Diagnosis of infection was based on clinical signs, bacteriological tests and
typical ...
MicroRNA profiling implicates the insulin-like growth factor pathway ...Background. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a disease characterized by alveolar
epithelial cell injury, inflammatory cell infiltration and deposition of extracellular
matrix in lung tissue. As mouse models of bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis
display many of the same phenotypes observed in patients with idiopathic ...
th`ese devant l'université de rennes 1 - LirmmSoutenue le 13 novembre 2003 devant la commission d'Examen ... un sujet de th
`ese ;. ? Henri Nicolas, qui a dirigé ma th`ese,. ? les membres (et ex-membres)
du projet Temics. Je remercie tous mes amis et les personnes que j'ai côtoyés
pendant ...... le codage basé dessin est le plus adapté pour l'image avec du texte,
Download as Adobe PDF - Edinburgh Research Explorer - The ...Abstract. Background: Genomic methods have proved to be important tools in the
analysis of genetic diversity across the range of species and can be used to
reveal processes underlying both short- and long-term evolutionary change. This
study applied genomic methods to investigate population structure and
inbreeding ...
Hierarchical Scaffolding With Bambus - CiteSeerXJun 5, 2006 ... DNA copy number amplifications activate oncogenes and are hallmarks of nearly
all advanced tumors. Amplified genes represent attractive targets for therapy,
diagnostics and prognostics. To investigate DNA amplifications in different
neoplasms, we performed a bibliomics survey using 838 published ...
REVIEW Viral vectors for gene delivery and gene therapy within the ...analyzing the data from a whole-genome shotgun project. Most recent
assemblers include a scaffolding module; .... also use fosmid (30?42 kb) or BAC (
50?150 kb) libraries. The reads are then assembled into contiguous pieces .....
fold, as well as a summary of the number of valid (v:) and invalid. (l: and o:, wrong
length and ...