(1999) Dual process theories - psychology at Ohio State UniversityY. Trope (Eds.), Dual process theories in social psychology (pp. ... Wegener,
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Dual-process models: A social psychological ... - ResearchGatepsychological dual-process models and give an in-depth review of the integrative
models. We will then compare the .... matic associations and logical/propositional
reasoning are triggered and influenced by the situation. ... In general, social
psychological dual process theories agree that processing in the asso- ciative
mode ...
Self-Insight from a Dual-Process Perspective - Semantic Scholarself and its evaluation, just as prejudice can be defined as the association
between a social group and its evaluation (Greenwald ... In S. Vazire, & T. D.
Wilson (Eds.). (2012). Handbook of self-knowledge. ... Dual-process theories
have their roots in the assumption that mental processes can be characterized on
the basis of ...
Self-Insight from a Dual-Process Perspective - CiteSeerXself and its evaluation, just as prejudice can be defined as the association
between a social group and its evaluation (Greenwald ... In S. Vazire, & T. D.
Wilson (Eds.). (2012). Handbook of self-knowledge. ... Dual-process theories
have their roots in the assumption that mental processes can be characterized on
the basis of ...
Multiple Systems in Decision Making - CiteSeerXNeuroeconomics seeks to gain a greater understanding of decision making by
combining theo- retical and methodological principles from the fields of
psychology, economics, and neuroscience. Initial studies using this
multidisciplinary approach have found evidence suggesting that the brain may be
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Barriers to the use of research-based instructional ... - CiteSeerXFk, 01.40.Gm, 01.40.Jp. Submitted October 2006 to Physical Review Special
Topics: Physics Education Research ... and instructional strategies based on
these theories, and convince them that their students will learn more if they adopt
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Aide à la décision sémantique pour la diffusion d'informationsJul 18, 2013 ... 3.3 Formalism and Reasoning Process of the Dempster-Shafer Theory of.
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Diagnostic Reasoning - CPASSby ?dual processing? models, which postulate a fast, unconscious. (System 1) ...
Keywords clinical reasoning diagnosis, dual processing, cognition, ... agnostic
reasoning. We then review the history of research based on memory theories and
the evidence for strategies to improve diagnostic memory and learning. Finally,
we ...
The Systems of Evaluation Model - Allen McConnellMcConnell, A. R., & Rydell, R. J. (2014). The Systems of Evaluation Model: A dual
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reasoning to symbolic forms of knowledge (e.g., language, mathematical
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What drives ?Unconscious? Multi-Attribute Decision-Making?Normative Theory. According to normative theories of decision making (e.g..
Baron, 2004), people evaluate all options and choose the option with the highest
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