research report - LIX - Ecole polytechniqueNov 15, 2007 ... ted in algebraic models, that is, based on com- mutative or differential algebra,
and in their ap- .... before 2004, or containing no author from LIX are
automatically collected as External References. The ... Constraint Satisfaction
Problems (CSP) represent an obvious and concise way of defining and solving.
Chapitre 2 Activités de recherche - LIPN - Université Paris 13Relational TD Reinforcement Learning, 2008. ...... Dans ces derniers, nous
montrons que la version sous contrainte de partition est poly- nomiale [RI-35] ......
Académiques : LMC, ID-IMAG (Grenoble), ENSTB, INRIA de Rennes. L'objectif a
...... P. PARENT, stage de 3ème année de l'INSA de Rouen, Itinéraires allers-
Evolution between 2007-2012 - AstroParticule et Cosmologie - IN2P3Nov 8, 2013 ... Paris Diderot University, which devoted a strong hiring program to this creation (2
to 3 positions every ..... period of 9 years. One of the aims of this labex is to
develop collaborations between the partners. Topics of common research
between APC and ...... eccentricity and amplitude corrections into the.