Association of SNP Haplotypes of HKT Family ... - Semantic Scholar(PDF 1156 kb). Additional file 5: Table S4. List of varieties and their classification
in different sub-populations using Structure software. (CSV 1 kb). Competing
Interests. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Authors'
Contributions. SM: Design and conduct of experiments, Sequencing, Data
Analysis and.
Development of a screen to identify selective small molecules active ...Jul 23, 2013 ... Multiple Z-planes of the organoids were subsequently imaged utilizing an IX81
microscope (Olympus) running Slide Book 5.0 software (Intelligent Imaging .....
13058_2012_3566_MOESM1_ESM.PDF Additional file 1: Supplemental table 1.
Description of the screen, protocol, and data analysis. (PDF 96 KB).