L CF Photon12 FC 0412 Abstracts.indd - photon.org.ukReceived 3 Jan. 1985, accepted4 June 1985. Fen<Br, S. L. eNo Hecren, R. R.
1985. Effect of forced exercise during ges- tation on reproductive performance of
..... cor{lRol sows. 5d-m p. ;.1 ot f -1 N. *-l N. ^l. N. -i N. rN: \. "j *N*. : \\N. iNirsrN
ss. iJ.INiNNN. Fig. l. rhe erre.t orexercr" "iffi;t"#,. NNNNNN. N N N N N-[iJ. IB[-.
University of Groningen Supplementation with Lactobacillus ...3?6 september electron microscopy and Analysis group conference 2013 (emAg)
. University of York, York, UK. Organised by the IOP Electron Microscopy and
Analysis Group ... The biennial series has maintained this profile so Photon12
looks forward to welcoming over 300 .... N Ekins Daukes, Imperial College
London, UK.
19 ? 21 SepteMbeR 2013 VIENNA / AuStRiA - ESHEOct 7, 2016 ... After mice (n = 4?6) were sacrificed, feces from colon was collected and snap-
frozen. Distal ileum and proximal colon sections were isolated and fixed ... ***p <
0.001. Scale bars histological pictures: 100 ?m; scale bars. FISH: 50 ?m. 3 van
Beek et al. Lactobacillus Prevents Age-Related Mucus Decline.