Spatial and Temporal Assessment of Diazotroph ... - Springer LinkDiazotroph assemblage compositions were assessed in rhizosphere sediments
from the tall and short ... community. Salt marshes provide an excellent setting in
which to as- sess microbial community dynamics along natural abiotic and biotic
gradients. Spartina ... plant roots and support elevated levels of many microbial.Linking knowledge among spatial and temporal ... - Springer Linkatmosphere occurs across a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. In the
simplified diagram of Fig. 1, (which ignores the interactions with the oceans and
continental ice) three ... at longer time scales by climate modifications to
biogeochemical and hydrological cycles, soils and community composition and
structure.The use of plant community attributes to detect ... - Oxford JournalsPooling temporal samples strengthened the detected output without affecting the
form of spatial pattern. We conclude that "weak" responses provide a valuable
basis for mechanistic hypothesis generation, especially at fine spatial scales, and
that the strength of spatial structure is likely to be determined by the spatial scale
...Factoring scales of spatial and temporal variation in fish abundance ...This meta-study aimed to elucidate the scale, rate and causes of spatial structure
of ectomycorrhi- zal fungal ... Tropical ectomycorrhizal fungal communities
exhibited stronger distance-decay patterns compared ... ography, plant?soil (
below-ground) interactions, spatial autocorrelation, species-area relationship,
symbiosis ...Relationships among taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic ... - WSL5 juil. 2012 ... Page 1 ...... 2007; Mayor et al. 2008). La détection de plan`etes de tr`es faible
masse si pr`es des limites de détection prouve que ce type d'objet est tr`es
courant. La technique des micro-lentilles ...... Les modes de correction du syst`
eme sont les vecteurs propres de la matrice tD·D. Le calculateur.Spatial patch patterns and altered forest structure in middle ... - www730 nov. 2005 ... fréquence de ces oscillations, de 7?8Hz, est lég`erement inférieure `a ...... pour
ce PA sert de signal d'erreur et est utilisée pour corriger les ... de l'
expérimentateur peut être un bon guide dans l'estimation du ..... examen direct
de la labélisation effectuée fournit une aide ...... Let us consider the 2nd extract.Bacterial community composition and structure in an ... - USDA ARSvariation explained by temporal and spatial variables. (Bertolo & Magnan 2006,
Peres-Neto 2006) that has not been taken into account in previous studies on
spatiotemporal patterns in the abundance of fishes occurring in estuaries (
Martino & Able 2003, Pérez-. Ruzafa et al. 2007, González-Castro et al. 2009). In
this paper ...