Study on the Potential and Limitations of Reforming the EU ... - LSEStudy on the Potential and Limitations of Reforming the EU ... - LSE
Nov 12, 2014 ... 2.3.2 The Lisbon Treaty, budget review and European Commission's 2011
proposals . ...... 18 agreed corrections or allow the increased use of genuine own
resources. Carbon levies could be introduced with stronger decarbonisation
assistance for ...... transaction tax (2013/52/EU), OJ L 22/11, 25.1.2013.

study on the potential and limitations of reforming ... - ResearchGatestudy on the potential and limitations of reforming ... - ResearchGate
Acknowledgements: We would like to acknowledge the European Commission
for its support, as well as for showing ...... budget seems to be a budget for '
Brussels' and not a European budget to address the actual concerns of EU
citizens. The EU ...... transaction tax (2013/52/EU), OJ L 22/11, 25.1.2013. 20 See
Council ...

wirtschafts- und sozialwissenschaftliche fakultät - Universität zu Kölnwirtschafts- und sozialwissenschaftliche fakultät - Universität zu Köln
Ausgabe Seite 18. Wie trägt der Europarat zu einer besseren. Zukunft für
Jugendliche 2020 bei? Die Aufgabe des Europarates ist es, die Menschenrechte,
...... Status of the situation of young people in the European Union. SWD (2012),
257. European Commission, Brüssel. European Commission (2013), Eurostat.