Anaesthesia and peri-operative Care for Laparoscopic Donor ...Erasmus University Medical Centre,. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Financial
support for ... 10General discussion, conclusions and future perspectives. 113.
Appendices. Abbreviations ..... Stress response during laparoscopic procedures
in supine position (such as cholecystectomy) is moderate 69, whereas stress
response ...abstractboek voorjaar 2015 - Nederlandse vereniging voor ...Center, Maastricht, 7Dept of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Erasmus
University Medical Center,. Rotterdam, 8Dept of ...... lithiasis patients following
cholecystectomy: A prospective multi-center cohort study (p.190) ...... ? therapy on
IBD-related costs from a societal perspective over two years of follow-up. A total
of 1,307 ...wetenschappelijk onderzoek in reinier de Graaf 2008 - 2013Deelnemers: 20. Opmerking: Cursus en examen zijn voor eigen rekening. ......
der Scheepers JJ Pancreatitis of biliary origin, optimal timing of
cholecystectomy (PONCHO trial): ...... Meynaar I Improving decision making in
intensive care Proefschrift Erasmus Universiteit, Rotterdam, 28 november 2012
. oveRig.highly specialised and cost- intensive medical - European ...Erasmus University of Rotterdam and EPOS Health Management. April ? 2014.
Literature-based ...... study (Czech Republic, France, Germany, Luxembourg,
Malta, The Netherlands, Romania and the United Kingdom), ... cholecystectomy,
mastectomy, surgical removal of tooth, cataract surgery and varicose veins
treatment).SMF Supplementum 58 - Swiss Medical ForumOct 24, 2012 ... patients managed by pre-hospital medical intensive care unit (MICU) of a
university hospital ...... quality of life among people with spinal cord injury in the
People's Republic of China. ...... feedbacks showed that the program worth the
investment because there showed an important benefit---enhanced staff.