Final Report of the ECHIM ProjectFinal Report of the ECHIM Project
Work Package 4 improved and maintained the indicator database (www.
healthindicators.org). Work Package 5 assessed the availability and
comparability of the ECHI shortlist indicators and their data sources, and made
proposals for improvements. Work Package 6 disseminated the results and
recommendations in order ...

1 Scientific program - miohr1 Scientific program - miohr
Sep 8, 2011 ... Results. The Internet risk calculator shows individualized prognoses for the short
and long-term healing outcome of traumatized teeth with the following .... Results:
The Cumulative Survival Rate (CSR) at 108 months was 0.96 and 0.95 for
implants ...... most cases identical to the EGOHID recommendations.

WHO Oral Health Surveys Best Methods - International College of ...WHO Oral Health Surveys Best Methods - International College of ...
ciples for summarizing data and analyzing results. The WHO manual Oral Health
Surveys ? Basic ..... as well as the validity of results and their applicability from a
public health perspective. Where the study design or ... a list of the members of
the population to be included in the survey must be available. Random sampling

16 juil. 2013 ... Les résultats ont montré que les consultations bucco-dentaires répresentaient le
1/5 de l'ensemble des ...... EGOHID ? 18. Collaboration entre tradipraticiens et
médecine moderne AS. Odontologie traditionnelle et système de soins bucco-
dentaire. Dimension ..... corriger les erreurs des saisies. La base de ...

european health indicators: development and initial implementationeuropean health indicators: development and initial implementation
Work Package 4 improved and maintained the indicator database (www.
healthindicators.org). Work Package 5 assessed the availability and
comparability of the ECHI shortlist indicators and their data sources, and made
proposals for improvements. Work Package 6 disseminated the results and
recommendations in order ...