EC Competition Policy Newsletter vol 1 No 3 Autumn/Winter 199424 mars 1994 ... EC COMPETITION POLICY NEWSLETTER. Vol. 1, N° 3, Autumn/Winter 1994.
Les armateurs ont informé récemment la Commission de leur intention de
modifier substantiellement les termes du TACA mais ces modifications doivent
être formalisées et faire l'objet d'un examen de la part de la Commission.EC Competition Policy Newsletter vol2 No3 - European CommissionMar 13, 1996 ... EC COMPETITION. POLICY. NEWSLETTER. Editor: Chris Jones. Address:
European Commission,. C150, 00/158,. Wetstraat 200, rue de la Loi. Brussel B-
1049 Bruxelles tel. ... 14 Services d'intérêt général en Europe et politique
communautaire de .... our competition law vigorously against such practices.EC Competition Policy Newsletter vol1 No5 Summer 1995Feb 28, 1995 ... EC COMPETITION. POLICY. NEWSLETTER. Editor: Chris Jones. Information.
Officer: P. Alevantis. Address: European Commission,. C150, 00/158,. Wetstraat
...... un examen des faits. Arret du Tribunal du 29 Juin. 1995, Aff. T-30/91, Solvay
SA /. Commission des Communautés européennes - Concurrence;.Two-Sided Markets 2009 - OECD.orgDec 17, 2009 ... Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Économiques. Organisation
for Economic .... Loyalty and Fidelity Discounts and Rebates .... 11/ADD1. 93.
Refusals to Deal. DAF/COMP(2007)46. 94. Resale Price Maintenance. DAF/
COMP(2008)37. 95. Experience with Direct Settlements in Cartel Cases.Report on Experiences with Structural Separation 2011 - OECD.org22 nov. 2011 ... The OECD Competition Committee held several discussions on structural
separation which resulted in a report ..... Ainsi, en vertu du droit de la
concurrence de l'Union européenne (UE), une mesure structurelle ne ......
Network Foreclosure ? the ENI case », EU Competition Policy Newsletter,. Issue
1, 2011.And Others TITLE Changing Work, Changing Literacy? A ... - Ericin it over time, the industry's responses to increased international competition, its
policies regarding credentials ..... companies in Europe go through the
certification process, and it is fast catching on in the. US. ...... assembly drawings,
lists of work codes, copies of the company's monthly newsletter, and other written
material.HGS Bulletin Volume 36 No.10 (June 1994) - Houston Geological ...Jun 6, 1994 ... Telephone: 7I 3-599-9900. - -. -. ---. Peter J. Fluor, President & C.E.O.. K. C .
Weiner , Vice-president. Doug 0 'Brien, Exploration Manager. A1 Curry ...... as in
Europe, Asia, and the (former). Soviet Union. Professor Smith has won nine teach
- ing awards, including the Minnie Stevens. Piper Professorship.11111-1Oidll - HobieJul 1, 1981 ... magazine's policy not to allow the mention of boat brands other than. Hobie Cat
in any ads. ...... Benedectine in_ hand started off the evening. Many sailors
commented on the ease of the people. Competition. Alistair Black. --- ---.-z -'...... -
--* 042-- ...-. -. :1.44 11 ...... EUROPE: John Dinsdale. Dreilingsweg 37 ...Learning from the past? Choice in health care - LSEPLENARY MEETING. Memorandum by the Secretary-General. POSSIBLE
..... Document' Ne-.---ll6-E(Rev.l). Page 6. The Secretary-General agreed v/ith the
previous speaker that the meeting should decide on its recommendations to the
Plenary ...bilan d'activite 2007-2012 et projet scientifique 2014-2018 - EconomiXAxe MIEF ? Macroéconomie Internationale et Econométrie Financière. ...... En fin
de 1ère et de 2ème année de thèse, les doctorants doivent ainsi présenter, .....
sur le marché boursier français (R. Guirat, 2010) et S. Lardic (2007, 2008) se
consacre ...... Bouvart, Frédérique; Chèze, Benoît; Menten, Fabio et Patouillard,
Laure ...