Migration to TIA Portal - Industry Support SiemensFunction key assignment. ?. Screen format conversion. Overview of successor
devices. Table 3-1. WinCC flexible. Successor. WinCC (TIA Portal). TD (100-400c
); OP 73micro; TP 177micro;. OP 73; OP 77A; TP 177A. ?. Basic Panel. OP 77B;
OP 177B; OP 277; TP 177B; TP 277;. MP 177; MP 277; MP 377. ?. Comfort
Panel.SIMATIC WinCC flexible Flexibility in any HMI applications - SiemensSIMATIC HMI devices of the 177 and 277 Class as well as the. Multi Panel 377
support PROFINET IO. This means that time- critical operations, such as those
performed with the DP direct keys via PROFIBUS, are now also possible on the
basis of Indus- trial Ethernet (direct keys on the panels from TP/OP 177B and
above ...Industry Information - Siemens21. mar 2013 ... De berørte ?klassiske? HMI-operatørpaneler kan ses herunder. ? Simatic PP 17-I
PROFIsafe. ? Simatic PP 17-I PROFINET PROFIsafe. ? Simatic PP 17-II
PROFINET. ? Simatic PP 17-II PROFINET PROFIsafe. ? Simatic OP 73. ? Simatic
OP 77A. ? Simatic TP 177A. ? Simatic OP 77B. ? Simatic TP 177B 4?.