Applications of Combinatorial Designs to Communications ...Applications of Combinatorial Designs to Communications ...
Combinatorial designs have long had substantial application in the statistical
design of experiments, and in the theory of error-correcting codes. Applications in
experimental and theoretical computer science have emerged, along with
connections with the theory of cryptographic communication. In this paper, we
focus on ...

Optimum Error-Correction Codes Design Based on ... - IEEE XploreOptimum Error-Correction Codes Design Based on ... - IEEE Xplore
These properties make combinatorial techniques useful to development of the
info-communication systems with active redundancy and minimization of
algorithmic process complexity. Combinatorial configurations such as cyclic
difference sets and ?Ideal Ring. Bundles? are well applicable for error-correcting

Combinatorial designs and codes related to ... - Semantic ScholarCombinatorial designs and codes related to ... - Semantic Scholar
Mar 3, 2017 ... communication, combinatorial codes such as ?optical orthogonal codes? and ..... t
-designs have applications in cryptography. Stinson and ...... represented by ng.
Let v = kn. A transversal design is a t-GDD(k, v) of type nk, denoted by. TD(t, k, n).
Note that in a TD(t, k, n), the size of each group is the same,. 21 ...

3. Applied Number Theory in Computing/Cryptography - Springer3. Applied Number Theory in Computing/Cryptography - Springer
applications. He then further proudly stated on page 140 that. Real mathematics
has no effects on war. No one has yet discovered any warlike purpose to be
served ... ber generation, acoustics, communications, graphic design, and even
music ... side of mathematics, along with algebra and combinatorics, and is

Pierre FOUILHOUX Rapport d'activités Formation Prix - Lip6Pierre FOUILHOUX Rapport d'activités Formation Prix - Lip6
Congé CRCT de six mois dans l'année 2013-2014 ... de l'UFR Sciences Exactes
et Naturelles de l'Université Blaise Pascal .... intéressé `a un probl`eme de calcul
d'horaires pour les bus urbains et la linéarisation de la ..... Docteur de l'université
de Toulon. .... Initiation `a la Programmation en C en L1 (18h cours, 43h TD).

optimal codes on vector combinatorial configurationsoptimal codes on vector combinatorial configurations
combinatorial design, the modified gronp divisible design, which is &O stadied in
t his thesis . Findy, we study ... Recent information ha9 also been obtained t h g h
the email communication network with Ahmed Assaf, .... They are of interest in
their own nght, and have rnany applications in the con- stnxtion of 0th- types of ...