analisi e gestione informatica di sequenze trascritte in ... - OpenstarTsanalisi e gestione informatica di sequenze trascritte in ... - OpenstarTs
Gerdol M, De Moro G, Manfrin C, Venier P, Pallavicini A: Big defensins and
mytimacins, new .... We used deep RNA sequencing to compare gene
expression profiles of the digestive gland in Mytilus galloprovincialis fed for 5
days with toxic and non-toxic strains of the dinoflagellate ...... Livak, K.J. &
Schmittgen, T.D. (2001).

Thesis TitleThesis Title
Dec 8, 2011 ... age de couches organiques sur des substrats c. Directeur de recherche ..... 1)
The mechanism of diazonium grafting to different substrates (C-carbon materials,
M-metals,. SC-semiconductors and .... In the first chapter, we present the
bibliographic studies of different methods that permit surface modification.

univERsity oF copEnhAGEnunivERsity oF copEnhAGEn
Soutenue le 9 Décembre 2013, devant le Jury composé comme suit : ...... C'est à
elle que je dois mon intégration dans le laboratoire de Pharmacognosie de Lille
2 en tant que thésard. Durant ces trois dernières années, elle m'a ...... Enfin, nos
résultats biologiques en criblage pourront donner suite à un examen plus.

12th International Conference on Harmful Algae - Semantic Scholar12th International Conference on Harmful Algae - Semantic Scholar
Pablo, Esther, Jesús, Sampedro, Carlos, Violeta... all of you have contributed to
this work in one way or another. Special mention to the best lab mate I could ever
have, Julia, I met you a lot of years ago and you have been a real support
through all these years and we have a lot of memories together, I simply can't
imagine ...

Lecture Notes in ChemistryLecture Notes in Chemistry
25 janv. 2012 ... mes amis pour les moments d'évasion, Nadia, Aurore et tous les géol (je vous
regroupe c'est plus simple) : ...... methyl 2-[1-(4- chlorophenyl)pyrazol-3-
yloxymethyl]-N- methoxycarbanilate. 175013-18-0. Strobilurine. 387,82. 1,9. 2,
6.10-8. 5,3.10-6. 3,99 11100 12-120 ...... Boston, Mariner Books 400p.