Preparatory Booklet - The Open University1. A397 Continuing Classical Latin. Preparatory Booklet. Prepared for the course
..... Fill in the gaps in the following Latin sentences to give the meaning of the
English ... In Latin, adjectives must agree in gender, number and case with the
noun or ..... (Note: this passage contains a number of forms of hic/haec/hoc, 'this',
and ...
john locke. - COREgiving an Account of the Debates and Resolutions of the ..... amicitiam, haec jam
proponere vix animuin inducerein ; ..... Velim hoc tibi persuadeas, me hic aliam
..... dum integram perlegi ; post brevem ac in urbe moram ..... 1 ed. Addenda tua
ad Historiam Inquisitionis, quampri- mum rus rediero, locis suis inseram, novum ...
Gnomonics Bibliography - Nicola Severino1. Una Bibliografia della Gnomonica : da 300 a 11000 titoli. Nel 1991 avvertii la
necessità di ..... published a bibliography in serial form in the Horological Journal;
and G H Baillie ..... ?Descriptio et usus cujusdam Instrumenti dicti Annuli; Inservit
hoc ..... 42 ?Examen le da théorie des montres solaires, description et usage d'un
mr. john an Account of the Debates and Resolutions of the ..... amicitiam, haec jam
proponere vix animuin inducerein ; ..... Velim hoc tibi persuadeas, me hic aliam
..... dum integram perlegi ; post brevem ac in urbe moram ..... 1 ed. Addenda tua
ad Historiam Inquisitionis, quampri- mum rus rediero, locis suis inseram, novum ...
Durham e-Theses - Durham University1 Mar 2016 ... press mention (1.14.1; 2.14.7 bis) .... FORM); de tanta pecunia restituenda (give
security) for the return of a like sum ... that time (G.1.67 sub f.); hoc tem pore at the
present day, nowadays ...... examen ... eo usque tuum esse intellegitur donec in
conspectu tuo est the ..... agreement on the price (3.23 pr.