nuclear electronics & computing nec'2007 - XXIII International ...nuclear electronics & computing nec'2007 - XXIII International ...
Hunger ? MDS -, in partnership with the European Union Programme for Social.
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Electronic Transfer of Information and Its Impact on Aerospace and ...Electronic Transfer of Information and Its Impact on Aerospace and ...
Apr 3, 1995 ... d'Europe). Le recrutement vient d'universitaires déjà formés à la statistique avec
moins d'économistes qu'à l'INSEE car beau- coup de travaux, tant des études ....
15 - Ce document a aussi servi de référence à la reflexion menée à l'Insee (Joël
Allain, dont le correspondant à ce sujet a été. John Pullinger).

Exploitation of multilingual resources and tools ... - LREC ConferencesExploitation of multilingual resources and tools ... - LREC Conferences
and Evaluation, Evita Linardaki, Carlos Ramisch, Aline Villavicencio and Aggeliki
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Climatic and anthropogenic impacts on the ... - unesdoc - UnescoClimatic and anthropogenic impacts on the ... - unesdoc - Unesco
of European Union (EU) law applicable in the EU. Member States. This collection
of legislative text changes continuously and currently comprises texts written
between the 1950s and 2008 in all the languages of EU. Member States. A
significant part of these parallel texts have been compiled by the Language
Technology ...

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Nov 24, 2005 ... Les publications dans la série 'Documents techniques en hydrologie du PHI' sont
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