richard g. baraniuk - Richard Baraniuk - Rice Universityrichard g. baraniuk - Richard Baraniuk - Rice University
Oct 30, 2017 ... 2001 Co-Author on IEEE Signal Processing Society Junior Paper Award (with M.
Crouse and R. Nowak) ..... 2017 ?Sparse Signal Processing,? Institute for
Operations Research and the Management Sciences (IN- ...... E. Fontenla, W.
Chiu, and R. G. Baraniuk, ?Iterative Reconstruction from Limited An-.

hierarchical reconstruction using geometry and sinogram restorationhierarchical reconstruction using geometry and sinogram restoration
ABSTRACT. We describe and demonstrate a hierarchical reconstruction
algorithm for use in noisy and limited-angle or .... to estimate smoothed
sinograms from noisy and possibly limited-angle or sparse-angle data. .... Radon
transform must satisfy, in this paper we focus only on these two lowest order
moments. The reason ...

Thèse de Doctorat Julien CaronThèse de Doctorat Julien Caron
Feb 28, 2017 ... an image-subtraction-based K2 reduction pipeline that is applicable to both
crowded and sparse .... Using the. Kepler satellite, Meibom et al. (2013) unveiled
the first transiting exoplanet detection in an open cluster. More recently, data from
the K2 .... The number of target objects is limited by the onboard.

?international Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse ...?international Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse ...
Sep 26, 2016 ... as the matrix pencil method can still detect poles, where DFT fails, but are limited
to signals composed of finitely many ... Given signal data either via the
amplitudes of a quantum state or stored in a ..... cess/availability for the quantum
algorithm, with the main focus of this work being on the first approach:.

International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology ...International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology ...
I is the raster data image, hopt is the aperture diffraction and optical blurring PSF
(Point Spread. Function), hsens ... mirrors has a limited accuracy, this produces
irregularities in the sampling grid and reconstruction methods ...... disparity map
and we approximate the microvibrations with sparse signals in the Fourier

4 Insight Student Conference Book of Abstracts4 Insight Student Conference Book of Abstracts
?Debiasing incorporated into reconstruction of low-rank modelled dynamic MRI
data?......(p. 53). Marie Da?ková (Brno University of Technology & Masaryk
University, Czech Republic) and Pavel Rajmic (Brno University of Technology,
Czech Republic). ? ?Sparse MRI with a Markov Random Field Prior for the
Subband ...

Papers - WMOPapers - WMO
26 Apr 2005 ... A comparison of SCAPP radiation data with global, diffuse and direct solar .... 3(9
). The WMO laboratory intercomparison of rainfall intensity gauges .... Automation
of manual, visual and subjective observations; .... +/- Relationship to WMO WWW
...... as a backend data repository and interfaces with Microsoft.