Corrigé du devoir N°02 du 2ème trimestre Anglais ... - Ets S.A.L.I.MCorrigé du devoir N°02 du 2ème trimestre Anglais ... - Ets S.A.L.I.M
Siège : 115, Hai Galloul Alger Plage - 021 86.11.63/021 87.19.57- Fax 021 87.16
.89 ?Mail: webmaster@ets-salim.com wx. Corrigé du devoir N°02 du 2ème
trimestre Anglais. Niveau : 2AM. Année scolaire : 2011-2012. Part one : Reading
comprehension a- (03pts). 1- « Des chiffres et des lettres » is a TV quiz. 2- The
winner ...

First Term English Exam Level : 2AM Time : 01h 30 - Ets S.A.L.I.MFirst Term English Exam Level : 2AM Time : 01h 30 - Ets S.A.L.I.M
Web site : www.ets-salim.com / ??????. : - Tel-Fax : : .
Exam report (corrigé). Part one: Section one: Reading comprehension. A/ read
the text then answer the following questions. (03Pts). -Sami Yusuf was born on
July 29th, 1980. -No, he isn't. -He studied music and composing at The Royal ...

First Term English Exam Level : 4AM Time : 01h 30 - Ets S.A.L.I.MFirst Term English Exam Level : 4AM Time : 01h 30 - Ets S.A.L.I.M
Web site : www.ets-salim.com / ??????. : - Tel-Fax : : .
The importance of food on health. Part one ... to which we are able to perform the
physical tasks we do every day. ¨ From Practical key to English ¨ ... Assessment
report ( corrige ). Part one. Section one: Reading comprehension. Activity 1: 4pts.

First Term English Exam Level : 2Ms Time : 01h 30 - Ets S.A.L.I.MFirst Term English Exam Level : 2Ms Time : 01h 30 - Ets S.A.L.I.M
A beautiful cottage. Jenny and Paul live in a beautiful cottage with two levels. It is
in the countryside. The cottage has two double bedrooms, a big bathroom, a
kitchen, a living-room and a toilet. The living-room has lovely furniture and an
open fire. The kitchen and the garage are downstairs. There is a big garden with
trees ...

Second Term English Exam Level : 2AM Time : 01h 30 - Ets S.A.L.I.MSecond Term English Exam Level : 2AM Time : 01h 30 - Ets S.A.L.I.M
Web site : www.ets-salim.com / ??????. : - Tel-Fax : : .
Exam report (corrigé). Part one: Section One: Reading comprehension. Activity
one: Read the text then answer the following questions. (03Pts). -Susie has for
breakfast a cup of tea or milk and an apple. -No, she doesn't. -they eat fish at a ...

Niveau :3ASS/3ASGE December 2017 - Ets S.A.L.I.MNiveau :3ASS/3ASGE December 2017 - Ets S.A.L.I.M
3) - Answer the following questions according to the text: (3 pts) a- Why are
counterfeit medicines dangerous? b- What has encouraged the rise of
counterfeiting medicine? c- What are the effects of fake medicines on economy?
Niveau :3ASS/3ASGE December 2017. English Exam first term. Duration :03h00.
Page 1/2 ...

First Term English Exam Level : 3Ms Time : 01h 30 - Ets S.A.L.I.MFirst Term English Exam Level : 3Ms Time : 01h 30 - Ets S.A.L.I.M
Web site :www.ets-salim.com / - Tel-Fax : : . Good
luck. Exam Report (corrigé). Task One: A/ I read the text then answer the
following questions. (O3Pts). -?El hadja is more than ninety. -She used to do all
the housework, make clothes, grew vegetables and fruit, and raise animals. -No,
she didn't ...

Book Exercice Corrig Correction De Manuel Scolaire Tunisie - WiziBook Exercice Corrig Correction De Manuel Scolaire Tunisie - Wizi
corrig�´emea estinï¬�ni,ilestnonvide,etcommen estbienordonn�´e,a
poss`edeun. pluspetit�´el�´ementa 1. supposonsconstruitspourn entier ...
matrices exercices corriges - ies-eugenit - page 4/11 jgcuaz@hotmail matrices -
exercices corriges correction exercice n�°1 1) la matrice a est de format 3
4Ã?Â? ...

Book Exercice Corrig Correction De Manuel Scolaire ... - ConzentrateBook Exercice Corrig Correction De Manuel Scolaire ... - Conzentrate
comprehension du texteproposition de corrigÃ? - sujet de bac - 13anv1me1c
page : 1/5 proposition de corrigÃ? comprÃ?hension document a lines 1 to 17 a.
which statement best corresponds to the situation here?proposition de corrigÃ?
- franglish - proposition de corrigÃ? ... correction de la langue lv1 lv2 richesse de