dectron - Fully Torqued Applications and AMCFeb 2, 2015 ... 2-Way Modulating Hot Water Control Valve Unit Mounted (Wired, Piped and
Tested). ? Integral (Piggy Back) Outdoor Air ..... Hot Gas. 7/8". 1 1/8". Dry-O-Tron
refrigerant circuits capacity, charge and line sizes summary : Refrigerant Type. R-
410A. Condensing Temp. TD. °F. °F. 120. 25. Air Flow. Vertical.
installation, operating and maintenance manual water heater ...Td. - Required outlet water temperature, at diver = 43ºC,. ? T?h - Temperature
drop (Hose form deck to diver) = 11ºC,. ? Ti. - WHE Inlet water temperature is. =
5ºC. ? To ... sensor and adjusts the temperature control valve position to achieve
the set point temperature. IMPORTANT ...... The Belimo characterized control
submittalDec 12, 2016 ... Phoenix Contact, Ruskin, Belimo. NOTES: 1. Per spec section 15701, butterfly
valves are not acceptable. 2. For scheduling, a summer schedule shall be
provided. 3. On page 13 of 107, there should not be VFD's on the cooling tower
pumps. 4. Control drawings for DOAS units and HV are missing several ...
general requirements division 01 - BidNetSECTION 015074 ? VIBRATION AND SEISMIC CONTROLS FOR HVAC PIPING
AND EQUIPMENT. SECTION ...... DOC - Department of Commerce; National
Institute of Standards and Technology; 4. ...... C. Hydronic system
characterized control valves (CCV) shall have the following characteristics: 1.
NPS 2 ...
15900-01 CSUB Math & Science Submittal #1 - California State ...Mar 27, 2007 ... Tab #1 ? Automated Logic Control Modules. Tab #2 ? Field Devices. Tab #3 ?
Control Panels. Tab #4 ? Belimo Valves and Actuators. Tab #5 ? Electrical
Installation Material ...... differences between ARCNET and ARC156, see the
ARC156 Wiring Technical Instructions. (