Undergraduate Calendar 2007-2008 - Concordia University ArchivesUndergraduate Calendar 2007-2008 - Concordia University Archives
Aug 8, 2013 ... Concordia is an urban university which is responsive to the needs of a diverse
student population as well as to the bilingual and multicultural environment in
which it resides. It is a welcoming community where values of equality, non-
discrimination and tolerance of diversity are appreciated and.

Undergraduate Calendar 2006-2007 - Concordia UniversityUndergraduate Calendar 2006-2007 - Concordia University
undergraduate calendar. 2006. |. 2007. Amanda Ceccarelli. Building Engineering
. Undergraduate. Philipp Raecke Baro. Political Science. 2 0 0 6 | 2 0 0 7. Aaron
Reaume ... at Concordia University became the John Molson School of Business.
..... Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering .......... 71.70.

Faculty of Arts and Science Section 31 - Concordia UniversityFaculty of Arts and Science Section 31 - Concordia University
With the approval of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Arts and
Science students may take a Minor in Computer. Science (see §71.70.5). All
minors in the Faculty of ...... component where students acquire hands?on
experience with commonly used computational chemistry computer software.
Lectures and ...

Analyse multirésolution des images de documents ... - LIRIS - CNRSAnalyse multirésolution des images de documents ... - LIRIS - CNRS
With the approval of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Arts and
Science students may take a Minor in Computer. Science (see §71.70.5). All
minors in the Faculty of ...... component where students acquire hands?on
experience with commonly used computational chemistry computer software.
Lectures and ...

Vol. 05Vol. 05
27 nov. 2015 ... Soutenance le 25 février 2015 devant la Commission d'examen. Jury .....
Keywords: privacy, formal methods, verification, logics, software engineering,
design, archi- tecture. Thibaud ...... Pour Computer-Aided Privacy engineering
tool, outil d'aide à la conception respectueuse de la vie privée. 6. Thibaud ...

Proceedings of the Workshop Computational Semantics Beyond ...Proceedings of the Workshop Computational Semantics Beyond ...
1 févr. 2014 ... Soutenue le 25 Avril 2013 devant la commission d'examen. Membres du jury : ....
*ScSo : Histoire, Geographie, Aménagement, Urbanisme, Archéologie, Science
politique, Sociologie, Anthropologie. Cette thèse est ..... as acoustics, audio
engineering, mechanics, actuators, and electronics microfabrication.