Studying the History of Ideas Using Topic Models - Stanford UniversityStudying the History of Ideas Using Topic Models - Stanford University
Studying the History of Ideas Using Topic Models. David Hall .... We define p(z|y)
as the empirical probability that an arbitrary paper d written in year y was about
topic z: p(z|y) = ? d:td=y p(z|d)p(d|y). = 1. C. ? d:td=y p(z|d). = 1. C. ? d:td=y. ?
zi?d ... Sukhotin, B.V. Optimization Algorithms of Deciphering as the Elements of

The Spectrum of Atomic Hydrogen - Caltech AstronomyThe Spectrum of Atomic Hydrogen - Caltech Astronomy
tern of lines had been deciphered much else could also he understood. Most no-
tably. it was largely the effort to ... atom in the history of Lilith-century physics
might seem to suggest that the spectrum has long been known .... from the
properties of the hydrogen atom. Abraham Pals and T. D. Lee have reported that
Bohr was ...

Deciphering the ancient and complex evolutionary history of human ...Deciphering the ancient and complex evolutionary history of human ...
Sep 10, 2007 ... Deciphering the Ancient and Complex Evolutionary History of Human. Arylamine
... population history and natural selection in shaping NATs variation, we
characterized genetic diversity through the resequencing and .... formed a
number of statistical tests: Tajima's D (TD) (Tajima. 1989), Fu and Li's F* (Fu ...

speech correction - National Institute for the Mentally Handicapedspeech correction - National Institute for the Mentally Handicaped
The story of my life. New York: Doubleday. Roush, J. (1991). Early intervention:
Expanding the audiologist's role. Asha, 33,. 47?49. Sarachan-Deily, A. (1992).
...... of the consonants. Nasals. Glides. Liquids. Fricatives. Affricates. Plosives.
Bilabials m w hw. p b. Labiodentals. f v. Dentals. 9 ó. Alveolar n. 1, r. s z. t d.

Nov 4, 2005 ... Deciphering the Ancient and Complex Evolutionary History of Human. Arylamine
... population history and natural selection in shaping NATs variation, we
characterized genetic diversity through the resequencing and .... formed a
number of statistical tests: Tajima's D (TD) (Tajima. 1989), Fu and Li's F* (Fu ...

The Birth of the Clinic: An Archaeology of Medical PerceptionThe Birth of the Clinic: An Archaeology of Medical Perception
inadvertently transmitted by the poets in their poems, the Stoics reconstruct the
history of religion and contribute to the .... Ö& uu0(kov (To td v Tountdov, to Ö&
volutkov jobX &kóioting diet T(6AEGog. Ouvio'Lotal). The whole ..... picture, but
also in the service of deciphering the allegorical message that the poets
inadvertently ...

1a. A Christmas Carol - The Story (Worksheet A) - IPA Productions1a. A Christmas Carol - The Story (Worksheet A) - IPA Productions
first time in the history of medicine, things were not so clear. N.-. A.Petit, who
based his whole conception .... observation of symptoms [7], how clinical
decipherment involved a reading of essences [8]; we are now ... 1816, when
Broussais published his. Examen de la Doctrine généralement admise, in which
he expressed in ...

Narrating Social Structure: Stories of Resistance to Legal AuthorityNarrating Social Structure: Stories of Resistance to Legal Authority
The story begins on Christmas Eve. Ebenezer Scrooge, a mean, unkind old man,
is working in his office with. Bob Cratchit, his clerk. His nephew Fred visits him
and invites Ebenezer to celebrate Christmas day at his house. Scrooge refuses.
He hates Christmas because he thinks it's too expensive. Next a charity worker.

The importance of context: When relative relief renders pain ... - UiOThe importance of context: When relative relief renders pain ... - UiO
Using stories of citizens' resistance to legalized authority, the authors propose
that the act of storytelling extends ... is to transform an act of resistance into a
story about resistance. Based upon an appreciation of the .... they cannot be
deciphered by the formal rational organizations in which they occur insures that
when and if ...