Section 4 - Document Locator Number - Internal Revenue ServiceSection 4 - Document Locator Number - Internal Revenue Service
4-2. Updated campus location codes. 4-3. New information on 1040 Online Filing
Program. 4-6. 2 DLN Composition. (1) The document locator number (DLN) is a
controlled number assigned to every return or document input through the ADP
system. The fourteenth (last) digit is the year of processing and is assigned by the

Sheltered vs. Supported Employment:Sheltered vs. Supported Employment:
Virtually all forms of sheltered employment can generally be classified into two
types. ... p. 7254). In other words, the revised regulations still recognize the
transitional (training) function of sheltered work- shops by .... Information on pre-
program earnings of individuals in the sheltered and supported employment
cohorts was.

Public Accounts - Government of Nova ScotiaPublic Accounts - Government of Nova Scotia
In accordance with Section 9(1) of the Provincial Finance Act, I have the Honour
to submit the Public ... Statement 3 - Consolidated Statement of Net Direct Debt.
15 .... Community Services. Department of Community Services. 619,256.
593,230. Mainstream 1992 Fund. ---. ---. Nova Scotia Housing Development

Jul 26, 2001 ... 3 concerned by corporate veil piercing. A. Legal personality and limited liability. 3
. B. Limited liability: the support and the critique of the. 5 economists. C. Limited
..... Identification in tax law. 396 ix. ...... The exemption can only be obtained when
the financial information regarding the exempted corpora-.

Federal government employment L - Publications du gouvernement ...Federal government employment L - Publications du gouvernement ...
Forms. Questionnaires. 1995 Income Questionnaire (Form CF06). Questionnaire
sur le revenu de 1995 (Formule CF06). Labour Force Survey Questionnaire (
Form 05) ..... (iii) Data files for 1980 to 1993 have been reweighted iii) Les fichiers
de données de 1980 à 1993 ont été to the 1991 census base. Revised weights