Contract No - European Commission - Europa EUContract No - European Commission - Europa EU
associated radiation exposures have to be monitored and controlled in the view
of their potential to cause harmful health effects. In 2008 the European
Commission published "Radiation Protection 154: European Guidance on
Estimating Population Doses from Medical X-Ray Procedures" (RP 154). The
2008 publication ...

Radioprotection 109 - European CommissionRadioprotection 109 - European Commission
La plus importante est celle qui fixe les normes de base relatives à la protection
sanitaire de la population et des travailleurs contre ... l'élaboration et l'utilisation
de niveaux de référence diagnostiques pour les examens à des fins
diagnostiques en .... exemples de niveaux déjà utilisés en Europe. Les niveaux
de référence ...

Radioprotection 102 - European CommissionRadioprotection 102 - European Commission
mesures fondamentales relatives à la protection radiologique des personnes
soumises à des examens et traitements ...... document le plus complet, en Europe
, en matière de CQ des systèmes d'imagerie de radiodiagnostic ..... Application of
Article 34 of the Atomic Energy Act (Decree on Radiation Protection Atomic

Apr 2, 2011 ... 18 or from industry. 19. And I think it was a model of a. 20 good environmental
assessment panel because of its. 21 constitution, a truly objective -- able to take a
. 22 truly objective view because of not having prior. 23 commitments --
committed views about nuclear power. 24 or about the regulatory agency.

joint review panel la commission d'examen conjoint - Canadian ...joint review panel la commission d'examen conjoint - Canadian ...
Apr 8, 2011 ... a link on the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. 11 website and the archived
webcasts and ..... 11 appreciated. Welcome this morning. 12. --- PRESENTATION
America and most recently in. 15. Japan. So my job is to go find out ...

Radiation protection research action - UTPRA - EneaRadiation protection research action - UTPRA - Enea
A great deal of additional information on the European Union is available on the
Internet. It can be accessed through the Europa server (http://europa.eu.int) ......
the agreement is remarkable and shows the flexibility of the presented
retrospective radLln monitor with respect to the investigated sample material. ,---..
... "' 4.5. E.

G. Kelfkens PN den Outer H. Slaper Laboratory of Radiation ... - RIVMG. Kelfkens PN den Outer H. Slaper Laboratory of Radiation ... - RIVM
The geographical distribution of ozone and UV climatology and trends over
Europe are analysed, and a cost-benefit analysis of satellite based UV budget
mapping is provided. The UV-budget mapping can be applied using TOMS and
GOME ozone data. A large scale statistical analysis of cloud effects is given
comparing ...

Non- Corrigé Uncorrected Traduction Translation - International ...Non- Corrigé Uncorrected Traduction Translation - International ...
Non- Corrigé. Uncorrected. Traduction. Translation. CR 95/7 (Traduction). CR 95/
7 (~ransïation). Lundi 6 février 1995. Monday 6 February 1995 ...... être le facteur
décisif lors de l'examen de l'avenir du territoires. Il est noté en outre, dans ce ......
<Les partis politiques au Timor n'ont, en fait, pas eu à--- lutter contre la ...

G. Kelfkens P.N. den Outer H. Slaper Laboratory of Radiation ...G. Kelfkens P.N. den Outer H. Slaper Laboratory of Radiation ...
The geographical distribution of ozone and UV climatology and trends over
Europe are analysed, and a cost-benefit analysis of satellite based UV budget
mapping is provided. The UV-budget mapping can be applied using TOMS and
GOME ozone data. A large scale statistical analysis of cloud effects is given
comparing ...

Évaluation des conséquences sanitaires de l'accident de ... - IRSNÉvaluation des conséquences sanitaires de l'accident de ... - IRSN
3.2.3 Evolution de l'incidence du cancer de la thyroïde dans les pays d'Europe.
20 ... conséquences de l'accident de Tchernobyl à l'Institut de Protection et de
Sûreté Nucléaire. (Département de Protection ...... faible létalité ; un examen des
données des registres des cancers dans la plupart des autres pays. 5. Les
cancers ...