Predicting Stability of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) - ResearchGatePredicting Stability of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) - ResearchGate
Method: 130 participants were tested annually with an extensive test battery
including measures of memory, language, executive ... Keywords: Mild Cognitive
Impairment (MCI), Alzheimer Dementia (AD), cognitive functions, memory,
longitudinal survey, ... However, for the very early preclinical phase of AD, the
importance of.

Untitled - ResearchGateUntitled - ResearchGate
Ofdetecting dySexecutive Syndrome in the preclinical stage. Of dementia 34. The
Objectives of the study were to study the neuropsy- chological profile Ofpatients
attending a memory outpa- tient clinic but having no diagnosis Of dementia using
a. Comprehensive neurocognitive test battery. Additionally, we applicd the ...

Untitled - ResearchGateUntitled - ResearchGate
Ofdetecting dySexecutive Syndrome in the preclinical stage. Of dementia 34. The
Objectives of the study were to study the neuropsy- chological profile Ofpatients
attending a memory outpa- tient clinic but having no diagnosis Of dementia using
a. Comprehensive neurocognitive test battery. Additionally, we applicd the ...

The Spanish version of Face-Name Associative ... - ResearchGateThe Spanish version of Face-Name Associative ... - ResearchGate
The Face-Name Associative Memory Exam (FNAME) is a paired associative
memory test created to detect memory deficits ... Preclinical AD, by definition, is
the identification of those clinically normal individuals with AD pathologi- cal
burden. ..... Inexpensive and innocuous tools capable of predicting amyloid
positivity could ...