Sensor Faults - QED Research Group - University of Southern ...LEANA GOLUBCHIK. Computer Science and Electrical Engineering-Systems,.
University of Southern California, Los Angeles and. RAMESH GOVINDAN.
Computer ..... to detect faulty samples in the test dataset. This involves ....
Forecast Confidence Interval: For each sensor measurement in our ?test? dataset,
we compute ...USC Viterbi School of Engineeringexam. Students in the engineering ?3-2? program are not required to satisfy
general education requirements and the WRIT 140 or WRIT. 130 requirement;
these students are under- stood to have satisfied USC's general educa- tion
requirements when they have satisfied the general education requirements and
lower.USC Viterbi School of Engineering - Catalogue 2012/13exam. Students in the engineering ?3-2? program are not required to satisfy
general education requirements and the WRIT 140 or WRIT. 130 requirement;
these students are under- stood to have satisfied USC's general educa- tion
requirements when they have satisfied the general education requirements and
lower.A Fault Tolerance Protocol for Uploads: Design ... - Semantic Scholar3 Computer Science Department, EE-Systems Department, IMSC, and ISI,.
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. Abstract.
... server accepts files that pass this test, and asks the clients to resubmit
otherwise. ..... Cheung, L., Chou, C.F., Golubchik, L., Yang, Y.: A fault tolerance
for uploads:.Toward Picture-perfect Streaming on the Internet - CUHK CSEUniv. of Southern California Leana Golubchik. CS & EE-
Systems Depts, IMSC, ISI. Univ. of Southern California John
C.S. Lui ...... the receiver throughout the entire streaming process. Video frames
are transcoded to JPEG files to allow a visual quality inspection. Test. Loss Rate.Sixth Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and ...Dr. Bovik is a recipient of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. Meritorious Service
Award (1998), and is a two-time Honorable. Mention winner ofthe international
Pattern Recognition Society. Award. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, is the Editor-in-
Chief of the. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, serves on many other.ICDCS 2017: Program at a Glance - Georgia TechJun 5, 2017 ... awarded the ACM SIGMOD Test-of-Time Award in 2015, ACM SIGMOD ......
Leana Golubchik (University of Southern California) ...... solutions of test packet
generation either take very long time (e.g., more than one hour) to complete or
generate too many test packets that may hurt regular traffic. In this paper ...Annual Scientific Report - The Statistical and Applied Mathematical ...May 1, 2006 ... Undergraduate Workshops; and SAMSI graduate courses are evaluated using
university ...... became one of the major topic in Hyde's preliminary exam to move
in to PhD candidacy. John made progress in ...... Colorado; Leana Golubchik,
USC; Robert Gray, Stanford; Hoshin Gupta, Arizona; Tom. Harmon ...