Evolutionary Ecology of Host Manipulation by Parasites1completely sabotaged host manipulation by the not yet infective one in either
species. In an interspecific conflict too, the infective parasite performed better.
Camallanus lacustris was ...... significant difference (HSD) test showed significant
differences between days 1 and 7 as well as between 7 and 14 irrespective of the
...Intra-population variation in behavior modification ... - ResearchGatesitic assemblages, is robustly influenced by intraspecific variation in the degree of
host contact. Further, these results suggest that anthropogenic changes which
alter resource availability may have important consequences for disease
transmission in wildlife. Keywords Community structure ? Resource
manipulation ? ...Bottom?up regulation of parasite population densities in freshwater ...Mar 9, 2017 ... finally come down on the side of a parasite manipulating the behavior of its host ?
subverting it to ..... Article 3. Labaude, S., Cézilly, F., Rigaud, T. Temperature-
related intraspecific variability in the behavioral ...... To test for phototaxis, single
gammarids were placed in horizontal glass-tubes (22 cm long, 3.2 ...Genetic Control of Susceptibility and Resistance to Parasitic InfectionSep 20, 2014 ... Abstract The acanthocephalan parasite Acanthocephalus dirus infects the
freshwater isopod Caecidotea intermedius as an intermediate host before
completing its life cycle in a fish. Male C. intermedius infected by A. dirus
parasites are less likely to engage in mating behavior than uninfected males.a manipulative parasite modulates the vulnerability to predation of ...infected hosts) were quantified for each parasite population, and related to host
density, spatial variability in host density ... the strong bottom?up coupling of
consumer and resource densities, but also suggest that intraspecific competition
among parasites may ... resource?consumer models to test the bottom?up control
of.Multidimensionality in host manipulation mimicked by serotonin ...Results 26 - 31 ... The susceptibility or resistance of a host species to parasitic infection is the
product of a variety of ... aspects of intraspecific variation in response to infection
in vertebrate hosts. It is now well established that, ..... however, there are
relatively few examples to draw on in order to test such an hypothesis. The best ...Clutch variation and egg rejection in three hosts of the pallid cuckoo ...We tested this hypothesis in the fish acanthocephalan parasite Pomphorhynchus
laevis using the amphipod Gammarus ... KEY WORDS: Behavioral switch,
intermediate host protection, parasite manipulation, Pomphorhynchus laevis,
predation en- .... infected prey using a one-tailed t-test to the specified value of ?