Data-driven approaches to articulatory speech processingA new method for biteplate-correcting orientation data is presented, allowing
orientation data to be used for articulatory analysis. Two examples of applications
using orientation data are presented: a tool for jaw- angle measurement using a
single EMA sensor, and a tongue interpolation tool based on three EMA sensors
...Variation in English /l - Newcastle University Staff Publishing ServiceOn the other hand, difficult problems in articulatory speech processing can serve
as test benches to examine existing ..... 1We used the routine distitar.m in the
Matlab package VOICEBOX to calculate the Itakura spectral distances between
two sets of ...... together with laryngograph, electropalatography (EPG) and EMA
data.LabPhon 14May 6, 2016 ... One of the oldest software packages for the analysis and visual- isation of EMA
data was developed at Haskins laboratories, named. HADES (Löfqvist et al.,
1993). Later, Nguyen's EMATOOLS (Nguyen,. 2000) was popular, as well as
software for calibration, and data dis- play/analysis packaged with the ...457 - ResearchGateIn a similar study, Wrench and Scobbie (2003) combine EPG data with. EMA and
ultrasound, looking at a wider variety of contexts, nding a range of possi- ble
systems of vocalisation. Their analysis did not distinguish between dark and light
variants however, as this is di cult (even impossible) to monitor with EPG. This
study ...