Belgian Journal of Zoology Belgian Journal of Zoology108 items ... The Royal Zoological Society of Belgium and its Belgian Journal of Zoology
continue in a long scientific tradition devoted to the pro- ...... A Test for the
adequacy of bioindicator taxa: are tiger beetles. (Coleoptera : Cicindelidae)
appropriate indicators for moni- toring the degradation of tropical forests in
Venezuela ?Belgian Journal of Zoology - The Royal Belgian Society for ZoologyJan 5, 2014 ... Zoological Societies, will take place in Liège (Belgium) on 12 & 13 December
2014 at the Institute of. Zoology .... First, to test whether rose-ringed parakeet and
... S is the number of shared sites (sites containing both species) and ri and rj are
the row totals for species i and j. The C-score is the average of ...Belgian Journal of Zoology Belgian Journal of ZoologyThe Royal Zoological Society of Belgium and its Belgian Journal of Zoology
continue in a long scientific tradition devoted to the promotion of ...... TABLE 5.
Comparison of gut content (considering only the aquatic preys) of different age
classes of brown trout with non-parametric ?2- test (df=6). In bold and italic when
p>0.05.Scientific Opinion addressing the state of the science on risk ...May 24, 2017 ... Stemmer, Michael and Sundh, Ingvar and Teodorovic, Ivana and Tiktak, Aaldrik
and Topping, Chris J. and. Wolterink, Gerrit .... Natural communities of in-soil
organisms should be studied using field tests or semifield test like terrestrial
model ...... Belgian Journal of Zoology, 130, 57?61. Dewar A, Haylock L, ...Babirusa - Conservation Breeding Specialist GroupC'est ainsi qu'en premier lieu, on a fait I'examen de la recherche .... J. Janssen.
Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven. Redingenstraat 16 B. B-3000 LEUVEN,
Belgium. In the autumn of 1985, the Belgian Middle Egypt. Prehistoric Project of
Leuven University surveyed the ...... by Dr. Adjei Laryea of the Zoology
Department. Uni-.proceedings international congress mathematicians 1954175. J.G.P. Verheij. Composition of milk in relation to its processing in dairy
industry. 179. P. Zoon. J. Near-infrared spectroscopy for evaluating milk quality.
185 ...... different disciplines (economy, ergonomics, zoology, physiology) and by
using new tools (fuzzy logic and neural ...... Ph.D. thesis, University of Ghent,
Belgium.Preserving a layered history of the Western Wadden SeaJul 24, 1996 ... The habitat and diet of the Sulawesi babirusa. (Babyrousa babyrussa celebensis)
. 121. Patry, M., K.Y.G. Leos, and A.A. Macdonald.1995. Group structure and
behavior of babirusa (Babyrousa babyrussa) in northern Sulawesi. Australian
Journal of. Zoology 43:643-655. 145. Perulessy, Y., and M.K. Poulsen.Copy of DOC001 - CaltechCampusPubsBELGIUM l'Académie royale de Belgique. FLORENT J. BUREAU. LUCIEN
Vlaamse ...... 12.25-12.55 T. WAZEWSKI, Sur une méthode topologique de l'
examen de ...... the Amsterdam Zoological Garden "Natura Artis Magistra" (Artis);
the Dutch.