A Guide to Jesuit Leadership and Ignatian Spirituality - Loyola PressA Guide to Jesuit Leadership and Ignatian Spirituality - Loyola Press
ously they should be on a subject concerned with Jesuit spirituality and of ... have
to confess that I am puzzled by talk of "Ignatian prayer." I do not know what ...... In
his "In examen annotationes" (Commentarii de Instituto Societatis Iesu, vol. 5 of.

Introduction A. An Overview of the Prayer Practice of ?Examen?Introduction A. An Overview of the Prayer Practice of ?Examen?
More than any other prayer, the Examen is the central prayer of. St. Ignatius. It is
a prayer of looking back. It is not just reflecting on what has gone wrong (like the

The Spiritual Exercises St. Ignatius of Loyola - Companion of JesusThe Spiritual Exercises St. Ignatius of Loyola - Companion of Jesus
has compiled certain instructions, or Spiritual Exercises, drawn from Holy Writ
and ..... contentment of soul, can be given the Particular Examen, p. 21, and then

Parent/Student Handbook - Verbum Dei High SchoolParent/Student Handbook - Verbum Dei High School
Principle and Foundation. Particular and Daily Examen. General Examen.
General Confession with Communion. Meditation on the First, the Second, and
the Third Sin.

A Psychological Study of Ignatian Spirituality WW ... - The WayA Psychological Study of Ignatian Spirituality WW ... - The Way
EXERCISES OF ST. IGNATIUS). 1. God, I believe that at this moment I am in your
presence and you love me. 2. God, you know my needs better than I know them.
Give me your light and help as I review this day. 3. God, help me now to review
the ...

Part 2: Loved as I am 1. Quarter Review 2. What's the point? 3. The ...Part 2: Loved as I am 1. Quarter Review 2. What's the point? 3. The ...
embracing a rigorous Ignatian consciousness examen may correct this
impairment. .... daily Ignatian spiritual practice intended to help persons sift
through the .... experience? begins with individual or communal awareness of evil
and suffer- ing. ...... the Ignatian consciousness examen, a daily prayer
experience that.

correction officer exam 1301 - North Country Historycorrection officer exam 1301 - North Country History
Sep 1, 1981 ... Test Every Prophecy / 691 and these can be applied to prophecy in the
charismatic renewal. The ellcesd part of this article will exemplify this by applying
St. Ignatius Loyola's se~~~lines for ~isce~nm~nt of spiri.ts. to discer.n!ng indi~id~
al prophecies: ~th. gU ore familiar wIth dIfferent spmtual tradItIOns are ...

sharing the igna sharing the ignatian herit tian herit tian heritage ...sharing the igna sharing the ignatian herit tian herit tian heritage ...
Read: Ignatius' principle and foundation, Write: My principle and foundation. -
Action: pray, ?My principle and foundation. 3/ The Voice of God. - Grace: to
discern which voice from God and which is not. - Lisa Kelly's article, ?The voice of
God vs the voice of not God?. - Action: pray with Examen, prayer partner. 4/ My
inner GPS.