Micromachined low-loss microwave switches - NASA Electronic ...Micromachined low-loss microwave switches - NASA Electronic ...
Micromachined Low-Loss Microwave Switches. Z. Jamie Yao, Shea Chen, Susan
Eshelman, David Denniston, Associate Member, IEEE, and Chuck Goldsmith,
Senior Member, IEEE. Abstract? The design and fabrication of a
micromechanical capacitive membrane microwave switching device is described.
The switching ...

The Present and Future of the Cosmic Microwave BackgroundThe Present and Future of the Cosmic Microwave Background
RF-gMn receiver with a low-loss front-end filter [8,9]. Even from a dry, high-
altitude site as the South Pole the emission from the atmosphere is the largest
correction at 2 GHz, being --- 40% of the CMB signal. We directly measured TA,,~
tm with the 2 GHz radiometer by measuring the differential emission at zenith
angles ...

master - International Atomic Energy Agencymaster - International Atomic Energy Agency
A Fusion Energy Calorimeter for the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor, D. L.. Jassby
and G. R. Imel, Princeton Plasma .... should be among the lower risk technologies
for generation of commercial power. INTRODUCTION. Nuclear fusion is one of
...... of generation expansi--- scenarios that meet a chosen reliability index can be

Report of Contributions - CERN IndicoReport of Contributions - CERN Indico
edge that a homogeneous liquid can withstand certain amount of superheat
before switch to the boiling phase. .... Based on the results of analysis and test,
the thermal characteristics of the conventional 2G tape .... The demand for low
temperature operations for liquefaction and refrigeration at cryogenic tem-
perature, for air ...

FisMat2013 - Book of Abstracts.pdf - Dipartimento di Fisica ...FisMat2013 - Book of Abstracts.pdf - Dipartimento di Fisica ...
The participation to the event has been impressive: 800 contributions submitted,
900 registered participants, 13 plenary sessions and 70 thematic sessions. All
the most important Italian institutions active in this field of research have been
adequately represented and all the spectrum of condensed matter physics has
been ...

Proceedings of NEWRAD 2011Proceedings of NEWRAD 2011
Jul 4, 2011 ... SSR_OR_002, Traceable calibration of a very low photon flux source for the
NIRSpec Instrumen? -------------------- 61 ..... DBR_PO_016, Characterization of
the Surface Reflectance and Quantum Losses of Germanium Phot? ---------------
240 ..... NASA SOlar Radiation and Climate Experiment. (SORCE) ...

Towards a Bright Future for Europe - SwissphotonicsTowards a Bright Future for Europe - Swissphotonics
Europe has also major industries in the field of production or test equipment and
in the field of materials. This position .... combine these into a network using very
low loss switching techniques. To accelerate the ...... (including ultrashort) pulsed
systems for micro-machining, to high-power laser diodes for the excitation of the ...

1998 IEEE Sixth International Conference on ... - ResearchGate1998 IEEE Sixth International Conference on ... - ResearchGate
Sep 18, 1998 ... micromachining herald an era where the opportunities to explore this frequency
region will become more ...... In order to have a low-loss antenna material ...... 'i>t.
4-tis.'.---.-'.---'. -. NONLINEAR. NETWORK. Figure 3. Partitioning of a system into a
spatially distributed part, a linear circuit part and a nonlinear.

NASA Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports - AMinerNASA Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports - AMiner
Jun 18, 2004 ... The NASA STI Program provides access to the ...... This report provides
temperature data that could be used to establish the ultimate tensile strength (
UTS) loss of candidate ...... abrasion did improve their fracture toughness and
lower their contamination greatly, the test values did not reach the levels.

DSS13 Final Cover#2.indd - SPIEDSS13 Final Cover#2.indd - SPIE
Pratt Lower Lobby. Pratt Street. Level 100 ? Exhibition Level. Exhibition. Howard
Street. Charles. Street. Lobby. Charles Street. Entrance. Food. Outlets. Food.
Outlet ...... Hope College (USA); Douglas Burleigh, La Jolla Cove Consulting (
USA); K. Elliott Cramer, NASA Langley Research Ctr. (USA); Ralph B. Dinwiddie,.