ArtiNelen van de 8e Anéla Conferentie Toegepaste Taalwetenschap ...ArtiNelen van de 8e Anéla Conferentie Toegepaste Taalwetenschap ...
De 8e Anéla Conferentie voor Toegepaste Taalwetenschap vindt plaats op 22 en
23 mei, in hotel Zuiderduin in Egmond .... Afterwards they filled in a reading
comprehension test and a questionnaire about reading motivation, and ability to
...... l.m.seuren@rug.nl; m.huiskes@rug.nl; tom.koole@rug.nl. The role of
grammar in ...

reading in two languages reading in two languages 8 - Ailareading in two languages reading in two languages 8 - Aila
exactly what is meant by "adequate" before they can begin to test the hypothesis.
.... secondary schools.] Doctoral dissertation, University of. Groningen.
Hornberger, N.H. (1989). Continua of biliteracy. Review of. Educational Research
, 59/3, 271-296. Murtagh, L. ...... Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in artikelen 38,.

utterance interpretation during second language acquisitionutterance interpretation during second language acquisition
MA Thesis, Research Master Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, Rijksuniversiteit
Groningen. Name: Gerrit Jan Kootstra ..... and crosslinguistic differences all come
together, which makes it an excellent test case for the competition model. Being
the ...... Tijdschrift voor Toegepaste Taalwetenschap 8: 111 ? 120. De Bot, K.,
Lowie, ...

Complete dissertation - The VU Research Portal - Vrije Universiteit ...Complete dissertation - The VU Research Portal - Vrije Universiteit ...
Linguistics at the University of Louvain. The summer school on Learner ...... (1998
) reports on a small-scale study to test the hypothesis that advanced Dutch
learner writers tend to be less formal than their ..... writing quality, as attested by
scores on published tests, such as the Test of Written English,. e.g. Engber (1995
), or a ...

Untitled - Springer LinkUntitled - Springer Link
USA and. DAVID CORSON. The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
University of Toronto. Canada. SPRINGER-SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, B.V.
...... Langeveld, M.J.: 1934, Taal en Denken, Wolters, Groningen. ... Van Essen,
A.J.: 1995, 'Language awareness in Holland: Evolution and trends' , Toegepaste.

Meten en maximaliseren R8_EC eindopmk correctedMeten en maximaliseren R8_EC eindopmk corrected
investigation 2001 - 2006 carried out at the University of Antwerp (grant number.
G.0042.01, principle investigator prof. ...... corpus, Utrecht corpus of Elbers and
Wijnen, van Kampen corpus, Groningen corpus of Bol and Wijnen. Finally, the
...... Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen, 24, 47-58. Bol, G., & Kuiken, G. (

BOV-BRA - Ce site est strictement réservé aux membres de l ...BOV-BRA - Ce site est strictement réservé aux membres de l ...
8 mei 2014 ... bij eerstejaarsstudenten in het hoger beroepsonderwijs. Proefschrift. Anouk van
Eerden, Mik van Es. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Groningen, 2014. ISBN: 978-90-
367-6710-1 (pdf) ..... fouten zelfs in spelling en zinsbouw, die scripties en
proefschriften, examens en promoties te zien en te horen geven" (Van ...

dp acquisition as structure unravelling - LOT Publicationsdp acquisition as structure unravelling - LOT Publications
44, [15] p. ; 30 cm. -. (Memorandum van het Instituut voor economische onder-
zoek, Fac. der econ. wetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit te Groningen ; 155). 90047
...... _. Pari_ : Ed. ouvrière&__. 3 vol. : mus. ; 21 cm._. Pour l'inventaire détaillé,
voir: CHARPENTREAU (S1m:>nne). Le livre d'or de 1. chanson tr~a16e. J. ---- ...

On Speech and Language Studies for Sieb G. NooteboomOn Speech and Language Studies for Sieb G. Nooteboom
of bilingual children at the University of Amsterdam collected under the
supervision of Aafke Hulk and .... Both children were brought up in Groningen
and were acquiring Dutch as their first language. Daan's parents are ..... The test
material consisted of highly frequent nouns likely to occur in the children's input (
familiar) and ...