R 134-2 Français - OIMLOF LEGAL METROLOGY ... OIML R 134-1: 2003 (F). 2. Sommaire. Avant-propos.
..... A.2 Examen pour la vérification primitive . ..... L'Organisation Internationale de
Métrologie Légale. (OIML) est une ...... L'erreur corrigée avant arrondissage, (E.OIML R134 - metas.chpour le pesage des véhicules routiers en mouvement et le mesurage des
charges à l'essieu. Partie 2: Format du rapport d'essai. Automatic instruments for
weighing road vehicles in motion and measuring axle loads. Part 2: Test report
format. O. IM. L R 1. 3. 4. -2. Edition 2. 0. 0. 9. (F). OIML R 134-2. Edition 2009 (F).OIML R 134-1 Edition 2006 - InmetroPart 1: Metrological and technical requirements ? Tests. Instruments à
fonctionnement automatique pour le pesage des véhicules routiers en
mouvement et le mesurage des charges à l'essieu. Partie 1: Exigences
métrologiques et techniques - Essais. OIML R. 134-1 Edition 2006 (E). OIML R
134-1. Edition 2006 (E).OIML R 134-1General Terms in Metrology (VIM) [1], the International Vocabulary of Legal
Metrology (VIML) [2], the OIML Certificate System for Measuring Instruments [3],
and to OIML D 11 General requirements for electronic measuring instruments [4].
In addition, for the purposes of this Recommendation, the following definitions
apply.special offer! - Andrew Pagements are published in French (F) and English (E) and are subject to periodic
revision. This publication - reference OIML R 134-1 Edition 2003 (E) - was
developed by the OIML Technical Subcommittee. TC 9/SC 2 Automatic Weighing
instruments. It was approved for final publication by the International Committee
of Legal.??24???????????????????????1994. 40. Specification for tomato. -. 1996. 41. Graps - Specifications and test
methods. Codex standard for table grapes ( at step 7). Alinorm 04/27/35. 2007.
42 ..... 230. Commercial weights of average precision (5-50 Kg). OIML 2. 1993.
231. Specification for metric steel tape measure (Winding type). IS 1270:1965.
1995.???? ? 53228-2008 ???? ????????????????? ????????. ????? 1 ...2-3. BOSCH. 4-5. EMISSIONS, HICKLEYS, LAUNCH, MAVERICK. 6-7.
PNEUMATIC, ... Konfort 710R package, including basic ancillary pack,. R134a
gas, printer and one on site VRQ assessment. K710R recharge station. Usual
Price £1895.00.Opmaak 1????????(International Organization of Legal Metrology?OIML)?
????????? ...... R134-1????????????????? ?1 ????
??? .... Part 2: Test methods. 2011. 7. R35-3. ?????????????? ?
3 ??????????. Material measures of length for general use. Part 3: Test
report ...