Instruction Manual - Scientific IndustriesInstruction Manual - Scientific Industries
Instruction Manual ? ATS / BTS Moisture Analyzers .... and test the unit for
moisture accuracy using the Sodium Tartrate Dihydrate chemical standard
whenever ... Td. Set Drying time ts. Set Sampling Interval. T. Current Temperature
in the drying chamber m. Current weight m0. Initial starting weight t. Current
drying time.

Allgemeines Abkürzungsverzeichnis - Springer LinkAllgemeines Abkürzungsverzeichnis - Springer Link
BTR Bit Test and Reset. BTS Bit Test and Set. BTS Base Transceiver Stations.
BTSS Basic Time Sharing System. BTT Bad Track Table. BUB Bedienen und
Beobachten. BVIT Bundes-Verband Informations-. Technologie. BWA Broadband
Wireless Access. BWM Block Write Mode. B-W-N Bohrung-Welle-Nut,