Botnet in DDoS Attacks - Semantic ScholarBotnet in DDoS Attacks - Semantic Scholar
The authors also summarize propagation mechanisms used by bots, command
..... bots. Commands. Controls. Attack message. Fig. 7. Botnet attack. 1) Attacker:
The attacker configures the bots to initiate an attack. First, it compromises a
machine to install malicious ...... grep: Finding p2p bots with structured graph

Talos: Building World-?Wide Domain ReputationTalos: Building World-?Wide Domain Reputation
We then test mul- tiple collaboration strategies using a standard prediction
algorithm based on Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) [44]. Main
Results. ..... peer-to-peer nature, one could also leverage peer-to-peer
techniques to detect ...... BotGrep: Finding Bots with Structured Graph Analysis. In

Privacy Preserving Data Quality Assessment for ... - Julien FreudigerPrivacy Preserving Data Quality Assessment for ... - Julien Freudiger
Abstract. One of the challenges facing security experts is the need to distinguish
between good and malicious web sites out of the ever increasing number of
domains. Unlike IP addresses that are finite, the number of potential domains is
virtually unbounded. The sheer amount of domains and the churn of new or
updated ...

The feasibility of deep learning approaches for P2P-botnet detectionThe feasibility of deep learning approaches for P2P-botnet detection
a client that wishes to test data quality and a server that holds the dataset. Privacy
-preserving protocols are presented for testing im- portant data quality metrics:
completeness, consistency, unique- ness, timeliness and validity. For semi-
honest parties, the protocols ensure that the client does not discover any
information ...