On Recent Developments in MadGraphAug 23, 2015 ... ing on FeynRules and MadGraph5 aMC@NLO all restrictions of these packages
apply. Unusual ... been developed in the past [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 14], while many. Monte-Carlo event ...... which allows us to further test the
programs in the case of processes with Ma- jorana particles. In Table ...GoSam 1.0 Manual - HepForgeJul 31, 2012 ... Föhringer Ring 6, 80805 München, Germany. Email: reiterth@mpp.mpg.de.
Abstract. We present a new model format for automatized matrix-element
generators, the so- called Universal FeynRules Output (UFO). The format is
universal in the sense that it features compatibility with more than one single ...The Higgs Boson - CERN IndicoJun 6, 2011 ... FeynRules: status and plans. Claude Duhr, on 2011.05.05 at MG 2011 Spring in
Fermilab. 4. MadLoop. Valentin Hirschi, on 2011.05.04 at MG 2011 Spring in
Fermilab. 5. Bridging Theory with Experiment. Fabio Maltoni, on 2011.05.09 at
PHENO 2011 in Madison. 6. How shall we enjoy LHC physics ?Effective Lagrangians for Higgs Physics - Physics and Astronomy ...FeynRules/UFO [DDF+11] can be found in the directory examples/model/.
Contains templates ... 6 order= gs, 0, 2. 7. 8 qgraf.options=nosnails,notadpoles,
onshell. 9 qgraf.verbatim= 10 true=iprop[Z, 0, 0];
. 11 true=iprop[H, 0, 0];. 12
zero=me. 13 one=gs,e. 14 .... A simple test program, which gives the value of the
amplitude.XQCAT: eXtra Quark Combined Analysis Tool - ePrints Soton6. 8. 10. Standard Model. Best fit. 68% CL. 95% CL ??. ?. H. 4l. ?. ZZ*. ?. H ?l ?l
. ?. WW*. ?. H ??. ?. H. Preliminary. ATLAS. -1. Ldt = 4.6-4.8 fb. ?. = 7 TeV s. -1
... we can also test custodial symmetry by looking at the ratio. ?WZ = ?W. ?Z. WZ ?.
0.6. 0.8. 1. 1.2. 1.4. 1.6. ) WZ?(. ?. -2 ln. 0. 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. ATLAS Preliminary. -1.Particle Physics - SUPAtest the framework and devise signatures with potential to dis- criminate between
.... In each panel, we have marginal- ized over the five undisplayed variables.
The six upper (lower) panels corresponds to analysis with Set A (B). In each
panel the red solid ...... interactions introduced using FeynRules [97]. Additionally
our ...