ùwPØùwÿÿÿÿØõ - World Health OrganizationWe shall show that the values of N~: d(z, x)<~ t are uniquely determined by (I)
from values on {N~: d(z,x)>t}. Induct on c~=t-d(z,x). If xE[v] k and c~=0, then. ]I~[=t.
Now if ... + Z Nw[~-~ (-1)c-e(d--t+c-e--1)( c--e. ~w))l'. WeJx e=l d(z, w,)=d~.t where
d~(z, w)= I{ie [-k]-L: w,~z,} [. If w~[v] k, d=d(z,w)>t, and wi=xi Vi~lx, then O~c~d-t-l+
NOS Version 1 Reference Manual Volume 1 of 2The test consisted of comparing adjusted etaisquared values for a pattern
variable. (all combinations of the two predic ors t in each pair with adjusted
multiple. R-squared values (with the .... based on t-test using Ns adjusted for
design effect. ** Significant at .Ol level ...... $/WEJX TOT INCOME l-7. R6192.
8005. 8218. 5.241.
After Death - Forgotten BooksCountII Mot Friday Night »»td| Hailjted. Nrw l>yn»nio Letting Over toJBoayrll. '
Aldermen Maloch. Kreger and Kiley. ?.igurd a call for a special council m» et- mg
last Fiiday night to consider >he matter of awarding a cotttr^fctjor a IIBW. 3,000
light ctyuaniq, ^JSIayor Lamb Bit having neglected to call a meeting. ] Ii8 honor
was ...
4 - There are a few ofThfs ta.ct is bome out by the TalJm.td ( Jewish. ~w ) which mentions. that flocks ,?
ere put out to grass ... eets; the houses weJX decorated with lau!'Cls and
evergreer~s; gifts of fr:l.cndsbip 'Her..;: ..... have had to b,~ as bright as Venus
ather grea. test brilliancy and even then ~uld have been difficult to detect by
daylight, not ...
Authors: Henning Jensen Geir Hansen lan L, Ferriday Peter B. Hal ...A previous study also sho%%Td similar findings and like the ...... to cscape from
social, and cconomical pressures. n. 47. MýXML. I. LRIRAt'tY. I. --- I ...... medical
research largely because quantitative methods do not provide answers to
important ...... adopted I'm still pleased I made that decision; but ifId caught mysey'