Measurement of the fourth cumulant of photo-assisted noise in a ...Measurement of the fourth cumulant of photo-assisted noise in a tunnel junction
in the classical regime. Mesure du quatri`eme cumulant du bruit photo-assisté
dans une jonction tunnel en régime classique. par. Fatou Bintou SANE au
département de physique en vue de l'obtention du grade de ma?tre `es sciences (
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal ... - DiVA portalJul 1, 2008 ... quantum regime h? > eV , this relation should be modified to include photo-
assisted processes. The notion of dynamical response of the noise is extended in
the following section to the quantum regime in order to subtract properly the
environmental terms in the measurement of the third cumulant.
Modulation and Channel Effects in Digital ... - DiVA portalMay 10, 2006 ... First measurements of the third cumulant of charge transfer through a tunnel
junction have been reported in Refs ... Beyond that, it was shown that the
Coulomb correction to the shot noise scales with ...... a heuristic interpretation of
the result (42) by relating it to the phenomenon of photo-assisted shot noise.
see for example the review article by Mott and Sutton - Science Direct8 Photo induced ballistic electron transport .... Chapter 3 relates the physical
observables current and noise with the cumulants ... chapter 4. Additionally, we
derive a time-dependent generalised master equation for the full counting
statistics. With all necessary tools at hand we compare in chapter 5 the results of
a Green's.
Phonon-Assisted Current Noise in Molecular ... - Semantic ScholarRik Pintelon, Member, IEEE, Patrick Guillaume, Member IEEE, and Johan
Schoukens, Senior Member, IEEE ... noise Np(f), and the measurement noise
sources Mx(f),. MY(f) as. Several frequency-domain estimators of the model
parameters. P, such as the generalized total ..... Iv. STUDY OF THE